
What is the Fine for Public Employees for Misusing Workplace Money?

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 24 May 2023 Last update: Monday، 16 December 2024
What is the Fine for Public Employees for Misusing Workplace Money?

The Public Prosecution in the UAE warned employees of the public sector that misusing money from their place of employment will result in jail time.

The authorities also reminded UAE residents on social media about the consequences of embezzlement. According to the Public Prosecution, this complies with Article 260 of Federal Decree-Law No. 31 of 2021.

What is the Fine for Public Employees for Misusing Workplace Money?

If a public employee is found to have embezzled funds while performing their duties or executing an assignment, they will face a minimum sentence of five years in prison if the theft involved forgery, the use of a forgery, or possession of a forged copy of an official record.

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