
UAE Skies to See Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower on Tuesday

  • Publish date: Monday، 09 September 2024
UAE Skies to See Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower on Tuesday

Skywatchers in the UAE have the chance to witness the September Epsilon Perseids meteor shower, which will reach its peak on Tuesday, September 10. While this meteor shower may not be as well-known or as active as others, it still offers a celestial display worth checking out. At its peak, stargazers can expect to see around 5 to 8 meteors per hour.

What Causes Meteor Showers

Meteor showers occur when small celestial debris, mostly made up of ice and dust, enter the Earth's atmosphere. As these particles heat up due to friction, they create bright streaks of light, known as meteors. According to Mohammad Shawkat Odeh, Director of the International Astronomy Centre in Abu Dhabi, these particles—called meteoroids—are remnants from comets that get left behind as the comets orbit the Sun. 

When meteoroids hit the Earth’s atmosphere, they burn up and create the light displays we see as meteor showers. “The September Epsilon Perseids is less known and less active than the August Perseids, but it's still visible from the UAE," Odeh mentioned.

UAE Skies to See Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower on Tuesday

Where Do They Come From

The September Epsilon Perseids get their name from the constellation Perseus, where the meteors appear to originate. Dr. Sarath Raj, Director of Laboratories at Amity Dubai, explained that while the shower is associated with the Perseus constellation, it is not linked to a specific parent comet, unlike its more famous counterpart, the August Perseids. 

This minor meteor shower produces fast and bright meteors that travel at an impressive 64 kilometers per second. However, the number of meteors is fewer compared to the August Perseids, which can generate a significantly higher number per hour.

Best Time to Watch in the UAE

To catch the September Epsilon Perseids at their best, viewers should head to darker areas with minimal light pollution. Clear skies and good weather conditions are key for a perfect viewing experience. In the UAE, the best time to see the meteors is after midnight, as the constellation Perseus rises higher in the sky, offering the clearest view during the early morning hours.

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