Emirates Schools Establishment (ESE) has approved the plan for the remaining school days of the academic year 2020-2021, which ends on 30th June, 2021, based on the academic calendar approved by the Ministerial Development Council for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Students will continue distance learning and adhere to school hours after the examination period, to end on 17th June, 2021.
The completion of term 3 exams indicates the completion of the curriculum and not the end of the current academic year ESE explained.
According to the approved academic calendar, school days will continue after exams to refine the student’s skills within an interactive learning environment.
ESE set the duration of the school day after the exams to four hours, as the educational cadres at public schools will manage a variety of extra-curricular activities to improve and refine students’ skills.
Students will benefit from these skills in their upcoming academic years. The extra-curricular activities will cover various educational concepts such as remedial education, skill refinement and other skills.
ESE identified topics for grades 4-11 students that will help develop their literacy, numeracy and coding skills, combining theoretical and practical education.
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