
Silent Radars to Catch Traffic Violations in Dubai

The radars will catch traffic violations in residential neighborhood.

  • Publish date: Friday، 26 July 2024 Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024
Silent Radars to Catch Traffic Violations in Dubai

The Dubai Police will set up silent radars across residential neighborhoods in the emirate to catch traffic violations. 

These radars will not flash like traditional radars, which indicates traffic violations are being committed. 

The silent radars will not only detect speeding violations, but they are also being integrated to encourage drivers to adhere to safety procedures while driving like wearing a seat belt. 

Drivers don't strictly adhere to safety procedures while driving in their residential neighborhoods. The silent radars will ensure that they will abide by the safety regulations. 

The Dubai Police have not indicated when the silent radars will be set up in these neighborhoods. 

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