Ramadan Recipes: Egyptian Karkade - Hibiscus Tea
- Publish date: Monday، 20 March 2023

This traditional Egyptian hibiscus tea is made using loose dried hibiscus flowers. The tea is left to steep in the hot water as it cools, creating a strong flavor. Egyptians typically enjoy this tea sweetened, particularly during Ramadan when it is used to break the fast. It is important to add the sugar while the tea is still warm to ensure it dissolves properly. Once sweetened, the tea should be chilled before serving.
- 5 Minutes
- 8 Serving
- 37 Calories
- • 10 cups of water
- • 1 cup (or roughly 2 oz by weight) of karkade (dried hibiscus flowers)
- • 1/2 cup of sugar (360 calories) Note: If you prefer it sweeter, then try 3/4 cup of sugar
Method & Directions
- 1 Minutes
- Water Boiling
تم نسخ الرابطIn a large pot, bring 10 cups of water to a boil over high heat
- Adding the Hibiscus flower
تم نسخ الرابطOnce the water is boiling, add the hibiscus flowers to the pot and stir
- Boiling Hibiscus tea
تم نسخ الرابطBoil the hibiscus tea for 2 to 3 minutes
- Turn off the heat
تم نسخ الرابطRemove the pot from the burner and turn off the heat
- Allowing the hibiscus tea to steep in
تم نسخ الرابطAllow the hibiscus to steep in the hot water for a duration of 15 minutes and carefully pour the hibiscus tea through a fine mesh strainer into a pitcher. If necessary, line the strainer with cheesecloth to remove any sediment. Take care when handling the hibiscus as it stains easily. Use glass or metal containers and wipe up any spills quickly. Finally, discard the used hibiscus flowers after straining the tea
- Tea cooling
تم نسخ الرابطPour 1/2 cup of sugar into the pitcher of hibiscus tea and stir with a long spoon or ladle. Then, rinse the spoon immediately after use to prevent staining. Allow the tea to cool in the pitcher until it can be touched without burning
- Cover the pitcher
تم نسخ الرابطCover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator for several hours until cool
- Adjust the tea concentration
تم نسخ الرابطTo adjust the concentration of the tea, taste it after it has cooled and add an extra cup of water if desired. Remember that it is easier to add water than to remove it, and that ice will also dilute the tea
- Serving time
تم نسخ الرابطServe and enjoy!
Nutrition Facts
Calories | 37 |
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