
3 Dubai Metro Stations to Reopen Ahead of Schedule

RTA Announces Early Resumption of Services for Three Rain-Affected Dubai Metro Stations

  • Publish date: Saturday، 18 May 2024
3 Dubai Metro Stations to Reopen Ahead of Schedule

In response to the record-breaking rainfall that caused damage to four Dubai Metro stations last month, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced that three of the affected stations will reopen ahead of schedule.

Originally slated for restoration by May 28, 2024, passengers will now be able to access OnPassive, Equiti, and Mashreq stations starting today, May 19, 2024.

While Energy Metro Station is set to resume service in the following week, RTA assures the completion of all necessary maintenance and safety checks to ensure a secure and smooth commuting experience.

The stations were closed following unprecedented rainfall on April 16, 2024, described as the heaviest in 75 years by the National Centre of Meteorology.

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