VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23) You are likely to remain mentally at peace and will be capable of making any important decision. You may be able to figure out solutions to resolve stuck projects at the workplace and will achieve progress on it. Some of you may discover their talents and abilities are effective. You may be able to use it to your advantage. Continue making personal efforts in financial life as only then you will be able to attain monetary benefit. Family youngsters may become a source of joy and pride for the entire family. Problems in your love life may be resolved by more attention and communication. If you have completed your education and are looking for a job, then this is going to be a favourable period for you. So if you will have to travel at short notice. Their trip would be hectic and drain you out. Those negotiating a land or house-holding may close the deal on profitable terms.
Virgo Finance Today Your finances are likely to do well. Those in business can make some new investments towards expanding their venture. Investment options will be open to you today, so make new contacts because they may be extremely useful to you in future.
Virgo Family Today You will get peace in the family after a stressful past. You will get affection from younger siblings and you will also be seen giving them full support. Children are likely to make you proud with their outstanding achievements. This may increase your social standing.
Virgo Career Today Those working in a government job are likely to receive transfer orders. Though unexpected, it may turn out to be beneficial for you. You will need to multitask to complete all pending tasks.
Virgo Health Today Stay focused on maintaining discipline in your life. You are advised to give yourself some rest and take some time off your busy schedule. Stay away from exhausting yourself physically. Allow yourself to be pampered and stay hydrated throughout the day.
Virgo Love Life Today If you are single, then someone special can come into your life. Also, you may achieve strong support from your friends to spice up your love life. Your relationship with your spouse is likely to improve and bonding will get strengthened.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise
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