
Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleeping has an impact on your energy levels, emotions, attentiveness, performance and even dietary habits.A quality night's sleep is beneficial to our health here are some simple recommendations to implement in life for a better quality of sleep

  • Publish date: Monday، 14 March 2022 Last update: Saturday، 21 December 2024
Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleeping has an impact on your energy levels, emotions, attentiveness, performance, and even dietary habits therefore a quality night's sleep is beneficial to our health in a variety of ways. If your body frequently receives the inadequate and poor quality of sleep it jeopardize

s your long-term health. Here are some simple recommendations to implement in your life for a better quality of sleep.

ًWhat are the best ways to improve the quality of your sleep?

Find below our best tips and advices to improve the quality of your sleep:

Have A Regular Schedule

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep 

Your body develops a rhythm when you go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Your bed should only be used for sleeping.  Keep the television out of your room: Artificial lighting has been shown to disrupt brain function and affect sleep regulators like melatonin. Your room should really be a place of calm and tranquility.

Bathe In Natural Sunlight

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Try to get at least twenty minutes of sunlight per day, ideally in the morning in order to activate the release of hormones that modulate sleep cycles in your brain. One or two hours before bedtime, stay away from the computer, cell phones, and television. You could also try exposing yourself to low blue light for 3 hours before bed. The electromagnetic waves of low blue light stimulate melatonin production and aid the mind to relax for sleep.

Grounding Yourself

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Magnetic frequencies can sometimes interfere with sleep. Turn off your WiFi and keep any electronic gadgets away from your bed, if possible. Make a charging point in your house and urge everyone in your family to "check-in" their gadgets before going to bed in order to purge magnetic frequencies away from bedrooms and encourage family members to have a healthier sleep as well. 

Cleaning Your Mind

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Everyone is aware of how something reverberating in your mind may keep you awake at night. It might be difficult to switch off your mind. Maintaining a notepad near your bed and making notes of your chore list or overthinking before going to sleep so that you may close your eyes and prevent your mind from spinning around further.

Try Relaxing Methods

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Daily yoga or stretching helps relax both mind and body, other relaxing methods include aromatic oils such as ylang-ylang and lavender, both help calm the body and make it easier to drift to sleep. 

Ditch The Afternoon Nap

Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

While naps may be helpful at times, we tend to oversleep, keep naps to a maximum of 20 minutes or try ditching them all at once by a brisk jog, cleaning activities, or a simple afternoon tea with friends!

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