
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, 26 September 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Monday، 26 September 2022 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, 26 September 2022

Libra Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Let yourself go. You have complete faith in the Stars` guidance. Slide between the possibilities until you step aboard a chance that`s going your way. Pick any spot in the universe and it becomes yours. Be the first to get where you need to go and the last to brag about it. You can savor your victory in blissful silence. First impulses get the job done and first impressions create a lasting picture. You could do it alone, but others line up for a chance in the copilot`s seat. It`s a fine thing to have friends.

Cancer Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You`re too ready to defend yourself against a perceived insult. Before you come out swinging, remember how it might take days or months to rebuild what can be destroyed in seconds. Feelings are fragile, too. The truth is that you`ll step on somebody`s toes wherever you go, but keep in mind that others are entitled to their ideas, no matter how wrong they seem to you. The best strategy is to imagine your opponent as a child and proceed with compassion. Not everyone gets what he or she wants, but at least you can all learn to live together.

Scorpio Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

People seem to make the same mistakes again and again. You`re no different when it comes to taking another ride on your own loop, but you can certainly stop yourself from imitating others who fail so spectacularly. If there`s no way to finish what you started, maybe it shouldn`t be finished at this time. A state of general confusion proves oddly instructive. After you stir up the anthill, its occupants organize themselves into a new pattern that works just as well as the old one. Help others with their loads. Being a team player saves the day for everyone.

Libra Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You`re a people person. You`re the life of the party or the center of a critical team. This isn`t the same as a leadership role, unless you consider yourself a kind of cheerleader. From where you stand, you can feel the stars enhancing your skills as a friend and lover. You know how to listen. You have what it takes to make people feel better. In spite of the potential for rivalry, there`s enough of you to go around. And in the unlikely event that you feel the selfish urge to enter a popularity contest, you would win easily.

Scorpio Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Everyone is on edge. No, it`s not just you. In fact, you`re going out of your way to keep the peace. But no matter how heroic your efforts, tempers could flare. This is a deep, unresolved issue that most people normally overlook. Now that it`s come into such heated focus, you`re amazed by all the ignorance and fear that surrounds it. Do what you can to educate the masses and do it fast. All your favorite, comfortable places are swamped by a sense of urgency. The good news is that you can find many unlikely allies during troubled times. Keep their numbers.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

When luck strikes, it hits your funny bone and brings the gift of gab. You can`t stop talking, but at least other people find your patter amusing. They`re quick to give you access to games and secrets that you`d miss on other days. Just thinking about events in other parts of the world seems to open a socket and hook you up. Resumes and client lists expand and sweeten, if that`s the direction you feel like taking. And on the less serious side of things, party invitations come pouring in. Singles won`t have any trouble finding a date.

Capricorn Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You know when to start and where to get off. Earth signs are usually strong on self-discipline, although they sometimes end up paying for it in other ways. Will staying with the program ruin your chances of having a good time? Weigh these factors as you go. Find the happy medium that lets you keep smiling. Think extravagantly but spend moderately. Your virtuous efforts are duly noted. A friend respects your chosen situation and offers to treat you to something special. You`ve been waiting for an excuse like this. It`s much easier to show off when somebody asks you.

Aquarius Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Your arms are your strongest and most beautiful feature. You`re busy reaching out to others and embracing them. The problem of connecting people separated by distance or belief is one challenge that you`re happy to meet. It takes vision and directness. You see and you act. Why get stuck on the formalities when you can ignore them and cut straight to the heart of the matter? By linking kindred spirits, you prove that great minds think alike after all. Maybe you know where to look for them or maybe you just get lucky. Either method is acceptable.

Pisces Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Whatever you call your community, it`s a friendly place these days. The environment is non-threatening and the people are supportive. You don`t feel any restrictions about sharing your daydreams. As long as your mind is free to wander, it treats you to some enthralling scenery. Run your gaze down the full menu of artistic forms that are available to you here. You can express yourself in so many ways that have nothing to do with speaking. Your senses come alive as the stars stimulate your perceptions. Each smell opens the door to another universe that you need to visit.

Cancer Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Be cautious when getting behind the wheel -- you may be in a jittery state and there`s no denying it. Even when you manage to calm yourself with deep breathing or books on tape, there`s no telling what some other motorist might do. If you can get there on foot, put on comfortable shoes and set out by your favorite route. You could use the thinking time, anyway. Understanding a problem is only the first step toward solving it. If you lack the technology and the funding, you may just have to live with it or pass it off to more capable hands. Look for ways to regenerate and rejuvenate.

Leo Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Once again, power is a double-edged sword. When you`re the one who`s always calling the shots, you begin to lose sight of who the other people really are. They become symbols of a relationship, or maybe pieces of a puzzle with no emotional input. You know this isn`t working. Listen to somebody else`s ideas for a change. Validate his or her feelings, even if you have no time for similar feelings in your own life. Just remember that electricity can flow either way along a circuit. Save yourself from the shock of getting back what you put out.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

There`s a lot to be said for persistence and a long attention span. After all your efforts, you get to savor the results. Some of this you expected and some is better than expected. While others may be jealous of what you have now, none can deny that you earned every bit and earned it fairly. Luckily, you receive gratifying support from friends and family. And yes, there really is justice in the world. The people that helped you get their just rewards.

Capricorn Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

People who shut themselves off emotionally will have to pay for it. If this could be you, heed the early warning signs. Working without disturbance is more of a weekday mindset. Now you can unlock that fortress and walk free. Breathe in deeply as the fresh air circulates again. Open yourself to the beauty of the world and the fascinating variety of humanity. Bathe in the light of interaction instead of drowning in your own past. Show up in the middle of a group that`s wondering where you`ve been lately. There are so many stories to tell.

Aquarius Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Something is waiting to happen. You feel as if a rain-filled sky, pregnant with potential, is about to split open and wash everything clean. There`s so much to do, even when you don`t know which way the wind is about to blow. Everyone is a potential ally, with goals similar enough that you won`t actively oppose each other once the plan is clear. And when that change actually begins, the next few days could be turbulent. From this privileged position, you already have a good view of where you could be when the storm finally passes.

Pisces Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Everyone loves quirky characters, but not when they become embarrassing. If there are things about you that people might find peculiar, try toning it down a little. Don`t waste your energy chasing shadows and rainbows. Instead, maybe you`ll write a story or draw a picture about another person who does these things. If others want to read your motives into the work, at least they`re not catching you in the act itself.

Aries Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You have a lot on your plate and many calls to return. Your energy is good. Your methods are efficient. Expect an enthusiastic response. On an active, social day you`ll work first, party later or combine the best of both in a work party. People who meet you for the first time will assume that you`re always like this. You wish it were true. As it is, you may not finish the projects you start today, but you`ll certainly give them a good, solid push in the right direction.

Taurus Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You believe in respecting your elders. You wish that some of them felt the same way about you. However, there might be bad feelings and unpleasant interactions across generational lines. Someone who`s been there and done that isn`t even slightly impressed with your brilliant ideas. You`d like to write this off as jealousy, but you should consider the possibility that you`re not as original as you thought. Don`t let your self-esteem suffer from this lesson in humility. Salvage what you can from a difficult experience by being nice to others. There`s no need to keep spreading bad feelings.

Gemini Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You`re in touch with some higher power. This could translate into psychological insight, spiritual awakening, the view through a telescope pointed at the sky or a visit to a particularly enlightened government agency. If somebody doesn`t understand what it all means, you can explain the experience with surprising clarity. Mystical forces need no response, though. It`s enough that you`re ready to act on what you now know. Just in case a change of location is required, you`re already packing your bags for the trip of a lifetime. Souvenirs and postcards will be available when you get there.

Virgo Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

It`s good to keep your ears open, but you should be more selective about what you choose to believe. Can you tell a fact from a rumor? Some truths are too unpleasant to accept and some lies are too seductive to ignore. You may find yourself taking stock of your friendships and reexamining the reasons for them. Review is healthy in some cases, especially when it helps you remember and settle old debts. On the other hand, worrying too much leaves you distracted and restless. All that you really need is a good book and a few hours of solitude.

Taurus Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Forever` feels possible, but as far as you know, nobody`s selling it in a pill just yet. That means you don`t have all of eternity, although you do have time. Work on bettering your physical environment. In your mood, this will probably be through decoration instead of social change. There are so many little things about your life that are within your power to improve. Shop for something that fits perfectly or makes you even more beautiful. Commune with other souls who share this desire for self-improvement.

Gemini Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You`re a creature of logic until that unexpected zing kicks in. Then you morph into the world`s greatest lover, which means that you look great doing things that would look silly on someone else. But that`s the logic speaking, and you just ditched logic. The very fabric of the world feels like a mere backdrop for the intensity of your relationship. You`re lucky that you have some free time coming up, because your professional colleagues wouldn`t know what to think if they saw you like this.

Leo Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

Your memories are sweet and rich, but they pale next to the experiences you could be having now. Colors and emotions are tangible forces, acting on your senses in ways that could never be recorded outside of the moment. Express your feelings of love, or whatever they are, to someone close at hand. Even if this person doesn`t know you from Adam or Eve, he or she can`t deny the power of your sincerity. Failure to communicate is not an option. As long as you`re on the scene, everyone will know what`s on your mind and in your heart.

Virgo Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

For those looking at a new school or business year, the time to start planning is right now. Wise and prepared people stock up for the next few seasons instead of just the current one. Nothing is fait accompli, of course. Things will change over time and you`ll have to go through several drafts before you come up with something even remotely permanent. Most maps begin taking their final shape somewhere between here and there. Seriously consider another person`s advice. As hard as it is to believe, they might know more than you right now.

Aries Horoscope for Monday, September 26, 2022

(Monday, 26 September 2022)

You know where you`re going and what makes you happy. Those factors are given and locked in. The gray area starts at the edge of where other people get involved. You`re on shaky ground when you add their humanity and aspirations to the mix. Recognize that these elements just won`t go away. What seems to throw you off balance at first will actually stabilize you by the end of the day. Your project needs this kind of healthy input. Stake out the new ground as more of it becomes available. Excitement grows as a deadline approaches.

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