
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Friday, 23 September 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Friday، 23 September 2022 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Friday, 23 September 2022

Virgo Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Your workload looms and teeters. You don`t like being hemmed in by unfinished tasks. Anyway, their shadow interferes with the quality of your light. But the requests and assignments keep on coming. Your family assumes that you know it all and they may be right. But they should also see how this stress affects the quality of your work. Maybe they`ll step in as your first line of defense. After all, you can gracefully hold your own when attacked or criticized, but in the end it will only waste time that could be much better spent.

Libra Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Socializing with coworkers brings camaraderie to the workplace. You like each other too much to let the task at hand get away from you and make everyone look bad. You`ll be fair when discussing people`s contributions to this project. The lines between capabilities and results have rarely been more direct. Those in a position to praise and reward are quick to do so. As long as you`re all in such a good mood, it might be time to bring up a difficult subject. Business matters are much easier to solve when all personal feelings are out of the picture.

Scorpio Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Being polite takes extra time, but that`s the only expense involved. Some people respond well to consideration, while others see it as an opening to take advantage. If you`re dealing with the latter instead of the former, cut your losses as soon as you see what you`re up against. Harden your hurt feelings and act as if you and the world are mutually indifferent to each other. Somebody could be playing this game for very high stakes. Don`t let him or her roll over you, especially if you like the idea of mercy. Go where they`re much nicer.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Go ahead. It`s okay to pursue your desires aggressively. You`ll get away with all the noise and fanfare you can make. Thanks to the Stars casting you in a favorable spotlight, everyone here loves your spectacle. You come crashing into the scene like the long-anticipated guest among adoring hosts. Searching suggests a kind of restlessness, but you have no reason to be unhappy. It amuses you to come up with excuses that no one believes. You`re an adult player in a children`s game, which means that everybody wins by the time it`s all over.

Capricorn Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Cognitive reasoning runs strong and true in your corner of the world. When no one is actively trying to stump you with a puzzle, you can sneak up on it to nibble the edges at your leisure. You begin to see the solution once you get a grip on the thinking of the person that created this problem. You`re happy with your methods and loyal to the one who taught them to you. This devotion will surely be rewarded in the future. Meanwhile, somebody is interested in lightening the mood around here with some of the funniest jokes in recent memory.

Taurus Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

You`ll meet any challenge that somebody else throws down. You`re more interested in establishing your responsibility than your foolhardiness. The down side of proving yourself trustworthy is that your trust in others goes only so far. They can`t do it as well as you can and you`re feeling more practical than fair. However, be diplomatic about how you withhold a favor. The wrong language used needlessly could make you an enemy. While you may not see progress in leaps and bounds, expect your luck to improve in small ways. That`s saying a lot under circumstances like these.

Gemini Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

You`re highly suggestible. Original thoughts are eclipsed by flashy stimuli. You stand as living proof of the media`s awesome power. A stunning advertisement could motivate you in an unintended direction. All at once, you have something else to do and the polished logic to back up your reasoning. Making big plans can be as exciting as carrying them out. Just don`t overstep your boundaries. It would be wise to check in with your partner before committing his or her time to an outside activity. Maybe this is what finally brings you back to earth.

Pisces Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Not every surprise seems like a good one. If you don`t know what it means, how can you tell whether it`s going to help or hurt? For instance, you might reach the end of the rainbow only to find that someone has beaten you to that pot of gold. Does the absence of riches make you a loser? As events play out, you`re actually luckier than you realize. This is your chance to make the best of a bad situation before it gets worse. The person that stole from you is now the proud owner of a much heavier burden.

Cancer Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

Old hurts rise from the deep and ache all over again. Maybe you remember something sad from childhood, but this time it`s filtered through an adult understanding of what actually happened. Things that are normally quick and easy are now endless and complex. Maybe you didn`t choose to get lost in this labyrinth, but you can look for the reason why you`re here. The Stars are trying to prepare you for unseen change that`s blowing your way. If you can cope with this old business, the new stuff should be a snap. Try it and see.

Leo Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

You radiate wisdom and authority. You have the gift of vision when you rummage through other people`s lives. You also have the Midas touch when it comes to getting what you want. Friends come seeking your romantic advice. Strangers want to know what you think of their art, confident that you`re the one to give them their big break. Instead of capitalizing on all this magnetism and magnificence, share your cosmic gifts with those who already trust you so much. You`ll earn extra points for being nice.

Aquarius Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

You can count on your friends for a certain kind of support, but you might have to resist them if you have other plans. If they have their way, they`ll drag you off on some harebrained or well-deserved adventure. Maybe you should drop everything and go with them. A little interruption in the normal routine wouldn`t hurt you. You like the phantom image of freedom beckoning from over the horizon. Outfit yourself for whatever you think might happen. Hi-tech accessories and gizmos seem appropriate, although it wouldn`t hurt to bring along a spare battery pack.

Aries Horoscope for Friday, September 23, 2022

(Friday, 23 September 2022)

You have a finger in every pie and a nose for mischief. You`re primed to discover and explore a previously untried aspect of something familiar. Certain people might be a little scared of you, but you don`t care. You`re more interested in those who want to follow in your footsteps, march at your side or lead with their own wicked ideas. Overanalyzing is not your cup of tea. This is your day to laugh at yourself and it`s your time in the cosmic cycle to grow through that laughter. Total strangers are impressed by your courage.

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