LG PuriCare .. Fresh Air All Over Your Home
- Publish date: Monday، 18 July 2022

Air purifiers are a crucial appliance to own due to their benefits. For instance, Air purifiers deal with indoor air pollutants, and get rid of dust, microbial contaminants like mold spores or airborne bacteria, tobacco smoke, pesticides, disinfectants, pet hair, and dander. Accordingly, Air purifiers may help to reduce airborne disease. Are you looking for a good air purifier? Then have a close look at LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 in the following article.
Global Certifications
LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 has Global Certifications, including:
- AAFA Certified (America): for its capability to reduce bio-allergen airborne levels by 75% or more over time.
- BAF Certified: Because it offers performance backed by BAF (British Allergy Foundation) certification and prevents allergens that can cause respiratory and skin diseases.
- CA Certified: Earned accreditation after numerous tests, including measurement of cleaning ability. And the optical dust sensor is certified for its ability to detect and remove super-fine dust.
- KAF Certified: KAF (Korea Asthma Allergy Foundation) certification is only given to products that are guaranteed to help with asthma and allergies.
Air Round Design
LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 has a perfect round with a 360º clean design that makes the space beautiful, Air-Clean Lighting that light in the panel changes reflecting pollution degree, and Snowflake Air Hole that add a contemporary atmosphere to the product.
Fresh Air All Over Your Home
No matter where LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 is installed, it absorbs pollutants from 360º and delivers clean air everywhere in your house.
Cleaning Air to the Far End of the Room
LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 clean Booster rises and rotates to deliver clean air to all corners, and it delivers filtered clean air to 7.5m distance.
6 Step Filter Eliminating
LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 inflow air goes through 360º filtration system which has 6 step filter eliminating various kinds of dust and harmful gas, and this ensures delivering clean air for crawling toddlers.
Smart Indicator .. Smart Manage
LG PuriCare AS95GDWV0 allows you indicates Air quality in numbers automatically with PM1.0 sensor and Gas sensor very precisely. In addition, LG ThinQ™ allows you to easily access and control an Air Purifier's functions from anywhere.