
Jesse Eisenberg on Playing a Karate Guy and Satirizing Toxic Masculinity for His New Movie ‘The Art of Self-Defense’

  • sharpmagazinemebronzeAuthor: sharpmagazineme Publish date: Wednesday، 07 October 2020
Jesse Eisenberg on Playing a Karate Guy and Satirizing Toxic Masculinity for His New Movie ‘The Art of Self-Defense’
Before you read any further, I should probably note that I don’t typically begin interviews by telling the person I’m talking to how much I liked their movie. Or singing Lonely Island songs. But sometimes, things take a turn for the unexpected. And that’s very much the case in The Art of Self-Defense, the upcoming offbeat dark comedy from writer/director Riley Stearns. Starring Jesse Eisenberg as Casey, his character starts out more or less how you’d expect: as a
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