Summer in Dubai can be a bit too hot! It can even sometimes reach over 50 degrees and feel warmer than that. Just imagine if you feel hot, what is it like for your pet? Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or brand-new adopter, we’ve put together a handy list of tips to help you keep your furry friends cool over the summer months, and what to do should they suffer from overheating. Here are some advises and tips to consider!
Walk your dog early in the morning or after the sunset
This reduces the amount of time they have to spend in the heat. You should also consider shortening the length of the walk and slowing down your pace so as to not exhaust your pet.
If possible, stay indoors!
Short-nosed dogs such as pugs and bulldogs, and small animals like rabbits and birds find it particularly difficult in extreme heat conditions.
Signs of overheating
These can include heavy panting, bloodshot eyes, increased drooling, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. If your pet experiences any of these apply an ice pack or a wet towel near their head and neck and take them to a vet immediately, preferably in an airconditioned vehicle.
Keep your pet hydrated
You can place an ice pack underneath the water bowl to keep it cooler for longer.
Fun fact: Dogs cool from the bottom up!
So be sure to spray their paws and stomach when trying to lower their body temperature. A wet towel works best if your dog is laying down on it, rather than on top of its coat.
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