
Dubai Police Shuts Down Another Desert Camp

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 17 February 2021 Last update: Thursday، 25 February 2021
Dubai Police Shuts Down Another Desert Camp

Once more, Dubai Police have shut down a party hosted by a camp yesterday for violiating COVID-19 precautionarily measures. The operator got served with a AED50,000 fine while attendees received a AED15,000 fine each.

Since February 2nd, Dubai implemented new COVID-19 guidelines for gatherings where it’s not permitted to have more than 10 individuals in one place.

Other parties where also shut down by Dubai Police last week after breaking COVID-19 guidelines. A yacht party organizer was fined AED50,000 while all the attendees received a AED15,000 fine each.

On February 7, a villa party with a DJ was also shut down in Dubai. 

Image Source: Instagram

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