Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of October 26th

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The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of October 20 to 26, 2024, is here.

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Move over, Libra—there’s a new season in town as the sun shimmies into Scorpio, aka spooky season, on Tuesday. Now you won’t be able to unsee those obvious Scorpio themes and symbols popping up around town with pumpkins and sexy witches galore. Thankfully, we can take a humorous approach as Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, is romping through fun-loving Sagittarius. OK, so Halloween might be next week, but plan your outfit and make it extra this year because the party has already started. With Mercury also in Scorpio, put on your detective cap and solve a long-standing mystery, deep dive into a topic, or get up close, personal, and steamy with someone you’d like to know more about!

As the last days of Libra season come to a close, tie up any loose ends in your relationship sector, schedule that date or one-on-one, or balance out your “me vs. we.” On Tuesday, Scorpio season begins, activating your sphere of intimacy and all things shared, metaphysical, and generally representing the season that hosts Halloween. So get deep, have the conversations, ask people about their ghost stories (most people have at least one!). Since trust and betrayal are two sides of the same coin, be sure you only open up to people who have earned your trust. And set that boundary if you don’t want to hear the nitty-gritty on someone else’s taboo topic of choice! Extra spicy game nights could be fun, raucous, and full of intrigue with fill-in-the-blank questions you make up on the spot or read from a set of cards.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

As the sun moves into your opposite sign on Tuesday, it lights up your relationship sphere. Scorpio is in polarity to your earthy sign—it’s the water and emotion that fill the material structure, the cup, and animate the body with feeling. It’s the juice and blood of life that make it worth living. So let that water seep in, open up to your feelings, and let them flow. Build a deeper and more intimate relationship with your most significant one-on-ones since this season highlights them. Dynamic duos work well right now, so consider your Halloween costuming as new power couples like Deadpool and Wolverine, Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked, or old classics like Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Have fun with it and definitely go over the top!

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Mercury, your ruling planet, is in your sphere of work and wellness, so meditation or going within to reflect and digest information is a must. The sun also lights up this sphere starting Tuesday, making it a great time to research a project or your work and wellness options or providers. With this secretive sign, it’s best to keep your cards close to your chest, so it’s all hush-hush for now, and that’s okay. The sun brings light and consciousness to areas it activates, so what are you ready to shine for? What do you want to platform? Perhaps it’s a select group, considering those Scorpionic scenarios. However, a little recognition goes a long way, so be ready to receive praise or attention. Regeneration is a key theme this season, so focus your mind on how you want something to be and keep it positive for a healing or new outcome.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

As Scorpio season kicks off on Tuesday, your sign is favored since you both share the water element. This means emotional connections, awareness of feelings (even if it’s the frights, tricks, and treats of Halloween), and emotional intelligence are de rigueur. Lighting up your sphere of leisure, creative self-expression, and romance, these activities lend themselves to your sense of self and path forward. Hanging out with children in their fantasy worlds or giving time to your inner child is all beneficial. Get into the spirit of the spirits and have fun with it. Mysteries are especially compelling over this period, so consider writing your own or losing yourself in a great novel or series. A date could be especially intriguing or steamy, so ask that cutie out or respond if you feel magnetized.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Your ruling planet, the sun, shifts into Scorpio season on Tuesday, lighting up your domestic sphere. Perfect for hosting those spooky-themed soirées at home! Voted the first one to dress up and get into character, this season is especially fun for Leos, so turn up the schlock horror and get creative with outfits and makeup. If you’re ready to channel your latent Saturday Night Live personality, put together a skit with a friend or two to entertain your guests. You never know—you could be unleashing a hidden part of yourself you kind of knew was there but didn’t realize how much it craved the spotlight. Who knows, you could go viral! It could also be time to clear the skeletons out of your closet. Get something off your chest or purge items that have been stagnating over time. Think energy, vibe, and metaphysics—get the energy circulating and refreshed! It’s time to transform your foundation.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Lighting up your sphere of local connections, the sun sparks off Scorpio season this Tuesday. There’s always plenty of entertainment celebrating Halloween themes we also associate with Scorpio, so get out and discover what the locals are up to. Ask about other happenings, gatherings, and what’s going on so you pick up more invitations in the future and stay in the loop. We don’t usually know what we’re missing out on until we see it on social media, so this is your chance to get in the loop rather than see it later and feel a bit green with envy or that pang of missing out. Since your ruling planet of Mercury is also in this sign and sphere of life, sharing information, learning or teaching, chatting, and getting each other’s socials is a must. It will also keep the FOMO at bay if you get into deep and meaningful conversations, because as we know, everyone has a story or two. In your downtime, try your hand at writing a mystery, metaphysical, or horror story!

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Enjoy the last weekend of your solar/birthday season as it wraps up on Tuesday, with Scorpio season taking the baton for the next month. I hope you had a marvelous time and that you’re feeling energized and purposeful about your next lap around the sun. Scorpio season activates your sphere of finance and values, so take the themes of sticking to a long-term plan to heart. Since Scorpio is a fixed sign, perhaps go for safe bets that pay off over time. Do your research and bring your ability to transform to the table. Transformation is key to this sign, and perhaps that’s one of your superpowers, whether it’s transforming through your keen sense of design, ability to negotiate a great deal, or getting the best advice from your social circles. It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know, so tap into your network and let them know what you’re after or if they have some hot tips.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Happy birthday, Scorpio! It’s your season as of Tuesday, and with Mercury also in your sign, this is indeed your time to shine. Consider what information and ideas you want to share or teach as you plan your birthday and Halloween looks, parties, or happenings. While we celebrate Halloween during your season, what we’re doing is embracing the themes of Scorpio and the seasonal experience at this time of year. As one who tends to be drawn to mystery, psychological, or metaphysical themes, it’s all about the deep side. You’re all or nothing and expect the same back, so set intentions for the upcoming year as the sun returns (your birthday). Call in people who have your back, keep your secrets, and encourage you to achieve your goals. Where do you see yourself this time next year? Do a simple ritual and meditation, seeing and feeling yourself there now, as that version of you.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

With a new solar season beginning on Tuesday, your Zen zone is activated. And since you’re the next birthday cab off the rank after this one, it’s time to find a quiet spot, reflect, and digest the past year. Refuel your tanks with plenty of rest and enough solitude to parse through what’s worth integrating and taking with you and what’s best cast off. That could be ideas, goals, projects, mindsets, concepts, feelings, or even people. Your self-image has picked up a lot of influence over the last 12 months—take the best and forget the rest. Since this is officially spooky season and Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, is in your over-the-top party (yet philosophical) sign, merge the two and enjoy some of the Halloween celebrations in the lead-up to the official date of October 31. Let’s face it, this weekend is where most of the action is going to happen, so enjoy the fun and get into character.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

As the sun moves into a new sign on Tuesday, the spooky season officially begins. Lighting up your sphere of larger social circles, peers, groups, and friends, this is your time to shine socially. Organize friends to catch up, tap into a network of people who share a common interest, or start your group or network. Apps are more accessible to design and run, so if you’re in a position to gather people under your banner, now is the time. If not, there are plenty of internet-based platforms to host from, book a space IRL, or start from your own home. Explore metaphysics with a group or organization, or join a course to learn tarot or energetics. Kundalini yoga, anyone? Take those conversations while out and about to a deeper level—you never know what you might learn.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Lighting up your career and public image sector, a new solar season starts this Tuesday. With spooky season themes, why not get into character for your promo or just to amuse your fans? Miss-Understood Medusa, the first woman on the moon, or gregarious Genie perhaps? How about Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada to keep up that big boss energy? Since Mercury is also in this sector, it’s both your time to shine and make serious connections. Go deep with people you trust to work as hard for you as you do for them. It’s a two-way street when you hand the ball back and forth, so choose your collaborators wisely. Help and encourage each other toward your professional goals. Transformation and regeneration are keys this month, so think about how you could leverage what’s working and get ruthless with a good autumnal trim on what isn’t.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

This Tuesday, the sun rolls into the sister water sign Scorpio, and that’s good news for you with its focus on depth of feeling and keen insight. It’s all about “the vibes,” so feel free to express what you’re picking up and share it through an artistic or philosophical lens with your audience. Find ways to expand your horizons and opportunities as doors open, or at least don’t resist a push if it comes to that. It’s not the time to sit around unless you’re deep in a project or feeling satisfied with the path you’re currently on. No point in changing anything if it’s not broken! Scorpio is a sign of transformation yet also a fixed sign. As the middle of autumn rolls around, it represents holding fast to the course of action while cutting back on what is stagnant or no longer serving that path. As a sign of imagination, acting, and fantasy, what character will you embody for Halloween? Enjoy the festivities and get creative!