Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 30th

  • Publish date: Saturday، 23 November 2024 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 30th Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 30th
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Your horoscope for the week of November 24 to November 30, 2024, is here.

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Mercury loves a regular retrograde, signaling it’s time for some checks and balances, reflection, and course correction. On Tuesday, the messenger hits reverse for her final retrograde of the year. It’s the season of the centaur, so can your horse walk backward? It’s as awkward as it sounds! This sign prefers progress over procrastination with an “anywhere but here” attitude, so you may prefer to be out swirling a cocktail stick at a fun party rather than focusing on due diligence. However, you have a vision, so get the jump on your 2025 and beyond. Make your list and check it twice! Yes, triple-check everything before agreeing, signing, purchasing, or hitting send.

With the planet of communication and gadgets spinning backward in your sphere of big ideas, travel, and adventure, how about a research and brainstorming session or three over the next few weeks? A spontaneous trip, overseas connection, or media moment could be right up your alley. Finally ready to create that digital course, teach, or apply for your dream college? Be sure to research first, as retrogrades are famous for turning up vital information. That said, some prefer to throw caution to the wind. However, my advice is to check things twice. By December 15, you’ll be ready to roll out your ideas as the planet of spin returns to business as usual.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 30th

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Rethinking an intimate connection or where you’re investing your heart, time, or money? You might be by Monday, and perhaps it’s a good idea to regularly audit so you stay on track and up to date. Consider your approach, needs, and whether they’re being met—or can be met. How’s your bedside manner? If you could use some help opening up communication channels on the deep and meaningful side of life, this is your time. Adventures in the metaphysical realm could also be calling, whether that’s learning through a teacher or friend, teaching, or creating your own inspired designs or entire system. Through December 15, notice what or who comes up, then proceed.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Relationships are up for renewal, renegotiation, and a fresh take after some reflection. As your ruling planet, Mercury takes its final backspin for the year, this retrograde is prime time for taking stock of your significant one-on-ones. Relationships are in the spotlight, so get the bird’s-eye view on them. Consider your philosophical take rather than singular mundane details. Are you inspired? Are you inspiring? Is there adventure and stimulation? What might be changing that you need to acknowledge—or are excited about calling in? Love zombies from the past are prone to appearing over this period. What message do they have for you? Rule of thumb: this isn’t the time to get back with an ex. After December 15, you’re clear to move ahead with plans—or that cutie who recently appeared in your life.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Routines could use an occasional audit, and this week is the week. Get in now before the silly season kicks in and tidy up your act. With Mercury flipping into retrograde in your sphere of work, wellness, and the habits that underpin them, this is your sign. Consider the quality of your thoughts. Perhaps it’s time to think bigger or start a daily mantra of positivity and possibility. Work connections, opportunities, or ideas are in the offing for reflection, so you know what you want to draw to you and which direction to head in. An old contact could be just the thing, so look back or note who pops into your mind or world. Research, try new approaches, then make changes after December 15.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Live, love, laugh. I know it’s a bumper sticker, but it’s perfect for Sagittarius season and the Mercury retrograde it’s riding in on. Leo needs the light to shine, plenty of play, and lots of drama (the fun kind, like theater, music, and your favorite shows). This season lights up your sphere of fun, even if Mercury IS spinning into retrograde on Monday through December 15. It’s a good time to reflect on what brings joy to your heart and inspires your creative spark. Leisure time is your space to do whatever you want, so try a few things out. Test a jewelry-making course, yoga, or even therapy horses. Often it’s about the experience and the journey, so just get moving and keep an open mind—with no performance pressure.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury, your ruling planet, slows down to retrograde for the last time this year, take a moment to reflect and review your domestic sphere. Is it your roots? Family? Considering a move or dreaming of an exotic location? Whatever it is, more information tends to come to light over this period, so note what that is. A change of heart, a need for space, or a tree change? Consider options way outside your usual range. You can always come back to practical later. Open it up, brainstorm around the kitchen table or bench. The world is becoming more flexible, so lean into it and think big. Now think bigger. So often, where there’s a will, there’s a way—but first, you need the idea.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

The moon glides through your sign Monday through Wednesday evening, making it the perfect time for one-on-ones, enjoying a beautiful space or the arts, and getting creative. Note your feelings and what impacts you emotionally over these days; it could bring something to your conscious awareness. Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in your sphere of local connections and learning, so what’s up for review and a redo? Perhaps you’re not making the most of those connections. Open up conversations and see where they lead and what they reveal. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Thoughts about a topic you’re ready to pursue? Research courses or platforms to share your knowledge.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

With the moon in your sign Wednesday evening through early Saturday, dive deep into conversation on all the hot topics—from metaphysics to current events. This will help you hone your gut feeling about your direction and make sense of how you feel about it. As Mercury spins into retrograde in your finance and values sector, it’s time to review how you earn or spend money. What are the assets and resources at your disposal? And how do they tie into your highest values? The clearer you are about your values, the more consciously you can align with them. Over this period, reflect, research, and review. Work out your pitch, investigate investment options, and note what draws your attention.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Walk, don’t run, as Mercury swings back into retrograde—this time in your sign. That means it’s ground zero for you, so it’s best practice to move a little slower and more mindfully than your usual pace. A change of mind or plan that includes more clarity and preparation is likely. This is your time to review and plan anew. With so many big planetary changes coming up, the shifts are in your favor. Open up to thoughts, impressions, and inspirations for your ventures and direction. This may require a shift in mindset and energy. It could be time for the “if not now, then when” question. So how about it? Sometimes you have to set the goal for the path and opportunities to appear. Get ready to make tracks once the retrograde ends after December 15.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Finally, Pluto’s run through Capricorn comes to an end on Tuesday as it glides into the communal sign of Aquarius. It’s been in your sign since 2008, making its presence known with the massive global financial crisis. Have we learned our lessons on big money and capitalist corporate structures? Let’s hope so. In your own life, use your MO of total reinvention to navigate some serious challenges and step into your personal power. The best news is that the pressure is finally off your shoulders, so breathe easy! You’re an older, wiser fox even if you’re still very young! Heading into your sphere of finance, there’s a collective feel about this one, so consider investing in ethical humanitarian projects or think about how the way you earn contributes to society as a whole. The new solar season lights up your zen zone, so find time between festivities to recharge, integrate your experiences, and touch base with your inner world.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Reviewing social connections, approaches, or group affiliations? This week, Mercury spins into retrograde in your sphere of all of the above, making it the best time to consider what you want. What do you want to achieve or experience with a crowd, group, or friendships? A new addition may arrive, one may leave, or you may be ready to change your approach. Ready to try some classes and learn with others? A fitness group or book club? Expansion, positivity, and optimism—as well as some outdoorsy energy—may be the ticket. Or maybe socializing and learning with PowerPoint parties fits the bill. Will you host or join an event? Explore your options and decide after mid-December.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Your career sector is catching the light of this solar season as well as this week’s Mercury retrograde. While the usual drill of review and course correction applies, this retrograde also challenges you to pull your cosmic consciousness into a philosophy or conceptualize your ideas to share with others. How can you teach or explain something you understand but others don’t quite grasp? Find the words or images to communicate the intangible. Rethinking your brand, how the public sees you, or an aspect of your career could be beneficial. This is a great time to reflect on your year for context before moving forward or planning for next year. More information tends to come to light, so take note of what surfaces.