Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of July 20th
The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Your horoscope for the week of July 14 to July 20, 2024, is here.
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope
The outer planets may orbit at a snail's pace, but their influence is potent. With a bevy of slow-moving planets in retrograde this summer, it's a perfect time for reflection—a yin phase instead of constant yang action. One of these planets is Saturn, who, like a governess who wants the best for you, is on her annual leave. You may feel adrift or unsure of your commitments, so just know you can unbutton a little. Take a moment to consider your options, resources, goals, and the path to get there. Embrace the summer to relax, recharge your happiness, and open yourself to new information, connections, and potential developments in your field or network.
Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.
Your biggest flex is instant ignition, but you can loosen the buckle on longer-term goals while Saturn is in retrograde over the summer. Through November 15, it winds its way backward in your zone of dreams, the collective unconscious, and ancestry. While reviewing, there could be a few déjà vu moments as something rings familiar but you can’t quite put a finger on it. That’s because this zone is so subliminal and drenched in the fog of non-ordinary waking consciousness. Your relationship to this inner part or connection (or simply better sleep) is undergoing a stabilization process and perhaps a professional edge if your work is arts, mystic, or subconscious-based (like an ancestral medicine facilitator). If you’ve dreamed of taking your muse or musings in a professional direction or want to develop in these areas, do your research and tweaking over this period and take it seriously for success.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Reflect on your social circle, groups, and peers while Saturn is retrograde. In restructuring mode, your social connections will benefit from a plan. Perhaps take a leadership or organizational role within a group, establish a membership or a formal arrangement with friends or interested parties, and pool resources. That could be to start an enterprise, buy a property together, and share a house to pay a mortgage rather than a landlord, or start a mystic or artistic exploration circle. Since sensitive Neptune is also rewinding in this zone, there’s plenty to look back on, assess, and plan for the next leg. Nostalgia over old friendships or groups and trends is certain, and old friends are likely to pop up too. Enjoy memory lane and take the opportunity to update those connections and see what else they link you to as they’re acting as connectors. Identify what direction you would like to go in and take action from November 15. What new influences would you like in your life? Where would you meet them? Go there!
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Your career and public image sector hosts status-defining Saturn, so while it’s retrograde, plan your publicity campaign, pathway to authority, and career success. Getting serious about what you do, whatever it is, is important. Embrace and really own it. Through November 15, you have the perfect window to strategize, so take time to sculpt a plan. With the nebulous planet of dreams, spirituality, and arts also in this sector, your sensitivity and heightened awareness are great resources. While dedicated focus and work are teammates to ambition and enterprise, so is pinning it to a higher cause. The key is to remain well-grounded while keeping an eye on that vision and not wandering off into Neptune's infamous fog!
Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign
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Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Expanding your horizons isn’t always at the top of your list if it means inching out of your cozy shelled comfort zone, so this will come as a welcome reprieve from doing just that. Since Saturn, the planet of restriction and focused effort, is off duty until November 15, you can ride the tide over summer. The effort you’ve put into opening up your world in small or large ways is always best consolidated before the next phase. With floaty Neptune also off duty in its annual retrograde, the next few months have an element of yin space to allow for new feelings, information, or directions to become known to you. This could be from within or from far-flung places. Tune into the hawk-eye view and note what is going on in the world outside your door or even county. Understanding the ecosystem you’re a part of will put things into perspective, and you’ll have more information to plan with. If you’re on an ambitious spiritual or artistic quest, the same rule applies.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
For a sign that likes to be in control, it can be a challenge dealing with those parts of life that require others to do their bit. Consider the resources you share with a partner, or are entitled to. Over the summer, it benefits you to reconfigure, get things organized, look at pooling resources, or combine strengths with others. What do your commitments look like? How might they need to be restructured? What may need official documentation? Saturn and Neptune are both backtracking in your sphere of other people’s money, secrets, and intimacy. While this makes for a steamy, sexy, and soulful summer, keep an eye on your boundaries and clear communication. Once Saturn moves on November 15, you’ll know where you stand, and it will be time to put the updates in place. That could be stepping back from duty or committing to an intimate or artistic relationship full of love and perhaps a little fantasy!
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Opposites attract, and this summer, some familiar faces may float back in on a tide of nostalgia. Enjoy it for what it is and take on the positives while letting the rest flow by. You’ll need to sort out any leaky boundaries in your one-to-ones, but first, you’ll need to assess and identify them. Balance your ability to be permeable and influenced, to let someone in, with your ability to close the door when it really isn’t your problem or good for you. It could feel as if a fantasy, illusion, or dream weaver has cast a spell on you, but your own powers to charm are an equal match. If you’re beguiled, remember to draw back any projections by finding the qualities you either admire in them, in yourself. Consider where you display them and how. It’s a simple exercise in drawing back your power. Part the mists of your own projections so you can really see and appreciate your special person.
Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Libra Weekly Horoscope
Work and wellness get the retrograde treatment over the summer as Saturn and Neptune swing back through this sphere. Take breaks to dream and relax. Try artistic and mystic pursuits; mindfulness, meditation, and dreaming. Take plenty of rest and attend to anything you’re concerned about to stay in tip-top shape. Swimming laps at the local pool? Well, maybe. Not the best for hardcore exercise, but perfect for anything gentle or holistic like yoga. Setting up a routine for said pursuits might seem counterintuitive, but hear me out. Like water needs a container, so do art and tuning in or out. The more flow, the more the balance must contain, and vice versa. Over this period, find that balance like only a Libran can. Boundaries at work are essential, but so is bringing your artistic and empathetic side. Seek experts, back your own expertise, and consider which long-term project or direction you’re ready to commit to for success in a personally sustainable and authentic way.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
The moon tunnels through your labyrinthine sign from Sunday through Tuesday evening, making it the perfect time to retreat into your intensity, obsession, and intimacy or private well of mystic or emotional magic. Note what you’re in the mood for and keep an eye on the lunar cycle. Is there a theme to your mood each month la luna is passing through Scorpio? I’d say it’s rhyming with the monthly timing. Saturn and Neptune are both doing the moonwalk in your sphere of romantic liaisons, leisure, and creative self-expression. What are you doing for fun these days, Scorpio? Is it time to reassess and update? Perhaps take on a dedicated interest over the long term, pick one back up, or retire one you’re not so serious about. And dating? There’s a pause in the pursuit. Or at least the objective. We grow and have different goals and needs, or fine-tune them. This period is for working out what you want before committing to a plan or approach.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Saturn is in restructuring mode as it retrogrades in your sphere of home and hearth through November 15. Could you arrange your space to allow more creativity to flow? Are you sensitive to others or sound, or the reverse—not enough background noise? Whatever it is, over this period it’s best to take it all in and research your options. Listen to your gut; that oracular part of you knows all! Mystic Neptune is also swirling about, retrograde in this sphere, so sensitivity is at an all-time high. Keep a flowing routine, eat well, and avoid toxins. At a challenging angle to your sign, this is an excellent period to figure out how to restructure for success and adjust your own foundations so they support your direction, self-development, and expression. The moon is in your sign Tuesday evening through Friday afternoon; go on an adventure of mind, body, or spirit.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Your ruling planet, Saturn is in its annual retrograde, going over old ground in your sphere of local connections, short courses, and siblings. Expect a reprise on those themes. Saturn is associated with the rules of the game, strategies, and structure, and those things that take a long time of consistent practice and effort to master. What do you want to be known for in your town or area? What are you willing to work on over time, with consistency? What are you willing to limit or reserve so you have the time, cash, and energy to pay your dues? Would you turn down social invitations? The chance to sleep in? Something tells me that if you have a goal or project that looks good on paper, and in this case, serves a higher cause, you’re in. Retrograde means this is a period of assessment and course correction. So go over the vitals of an idea, your relationship with a sibling or neighbor, and perhaps the neighborhood itself. What could do with some work, and what is just fine the way it is?
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
With Saturn, the planet of expertise, status, and containment, retrograde in your sphere of money, resources, things, and values, it’s time to take a thorough assessment of your financials. And how about your possessions? Could you afford to list a few items for sale to clear out if you’ve been collecting or will you continue to put it off? Mostly though, tidy up those finances. This period is perfect for parsing through your ins and outs, cutting or upgrading subscriptions, and generally focusing on what will leverage or support your financial independence, power, and professional front. Where exactly are you on the financial ladder, what are your needs, where are you headed, and what is your target? This will all go toward creating a budget and something to aim for if you’re not already clear about what that is. If you are clear, you may get a bit tweaky with it and that’s what this period is for. Course correct for a perfect landing post-November 15.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
With serious Saturn in your sign, its retrograde season is especially tied to your sense of self-expression, development, and commitment to your dreams. Through November 15, create some space in your plans to adjust perceived limitations. Honing your craft takes time, as does true mastery. So be patient with yourself and invest in the long game. Saturn is about the reward we make for ourselves with everything we put in and behind what we spend our time on. Focus is a keyword. However, over this period, soften your lens, be kind to yourself, and take a breath. With so much change in the world, you may need to check your map and consider how to navigate the terrain and plan for success. Fortune may favor the bold, but Saturn's gifts favor the reliable, responsible, and status of a well-earned sterling reputation; build yours.
Read: Your Daily Horoscope
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