Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of February 22nd, 2025

  • Publish date: Saturday، 15 February 2025 | Last update: Sunday، 16 February 2025

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of February 22nd, 2025 Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of February 22nd, 2025
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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of February 16-22, 2025, is here, and we're almost out of the woods.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Midweek, the sun swims into the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces. Pisces knows the all is nested in the one and the one in the all. This is the mystic, artistic, ephemeral, and empathetic water sign. Tune in by feeling yourself as a drop in the ocean, and you’re in the zone. Multi-faceted refractions of reality, dream, and imagination—this sign is poetry, flow, and best enjoyed through portals of art, music, love, and connection. Do some guided visualization, lose your “self” in sustainable, healthy ways, and most of all, feel. Let your feelings flow while witnessing them with non-judgment. Value your extrasensory intel and take time for solitude to integrate, care for your nervous system, and get enough sleep to recharge. It takes a lot of energy to manifest in this physical world; you must fill your cup before you can fill others! If you could create your ultimate dream sequence, what would it look like? Manifestation and planning begin with a dream, so, dreamer, dream big!

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

The last cab pulls out of the rank this Wednesday as the sun moves into Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. You represent pole position as the first sign of the zodiac, which means it’s a wrap on the past year. This period activates your sphere of zen, rest, dreams, and liminal spaces. It’s time to recharge those batteries, refuel, or otherwise recoup your energy, ready for the next run around the track of life. Tune in to your inner voice, especially your feelings. Listen—when they move, where do they flow? Let them wash and wind where they must, with detachment. They’re a vital source of your personal intelligence, so bring the light of consciousness and build rapport with your inner language and landscape. Enjoy music, arts, the mystical, fantastical, and imaginative side of life where appropriate, and sync with your inner tides over the weekend to align with a moment of destiny!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

It may be chilly outdoors, but that doesn’t mean your social connections are chill. As the sun sashays into poetic, soft-hearted Pisces, it activates your sphere of friendships, groups, and broad networks. People you share an interest with? Reach out, get in touch, start a group, or join one. With the watery overlay of mystic, altruistic, and artistic themes Pisces is well known for, this could be your time to set about contributing to the collective. Do you have a cause you care about but haven’t taken steps toward? Now is your time to lend a hand, or energy. You literally get the bonus “helper’s high” for your efforts. Groups that align with those creative leanings? Yes, be a part of them. Has the peak of clay and play sessions passed? No matter—earthy Taurus is associated with ceramics, clay, and the earth in general. You could make your own dinner set whilst catching up with friends, or making new ones—it’s a win-win!

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As we swim into the deep end of the pool from Wednesday with the beginning of Pisces season, your career and public persona are activated. Take stock of what is revealed, either externally or internally, during this period. Intel is likely through your feelings. So how do you feel about it all? What is your emotional and physical response? Does it align with your head/mind/mental response? Which came first if they don’t? Build a bridge between your head and heart so they’re on the same page. Also, a fab time to update your brand or public-facing image. You’re in the public eye—people see you—make the most of it. How do you want to represent yourself to those who look to you as a model and representative? A significant person may come into your life, or you could seek them out—or be sought out—as a mentor, etc. Visualize your best professional outcomes. Now go for that!

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

As the sun slips into watery Pisces midweek, it activates your sphere of friendships, horizon-expanding moves, ideas, philosophy, and opportunity. Take the bird’s-eye view over the ocean of your life from past to present to your future. Consider your destiny—this is big-picture time. Like you, Pisces is a water sign, so the feels are flowing, and we’re all on board. Historically, we’ve seen emotions demoted in favor of “rational” thought-generated intel. However, it’s all equal and valid. And wouldn’t we want to utilize all of our being and various forms of intelligence? Yes, of course. So lead the way, Cancer. Consider the jewel in your crown. Is it your education, family, partnership, or career? All facets make up the crown that is your life. Now, what is the best way to align with where you’re going from where you’ve come? Learning something new? Teaching your knowledge? You don’t need the answer right now—just feel and see what comes.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Ooh la la, Leo—the sun lights up your sphere of amorous intimacy, deep connections, and other people’s resources from Wednesday. As the sun shifts into nebulous, ultra-sensei Pisces, it’s time to get up close and personal with your feelings, desires, and mergers that amplify your energy, shine, or opportunity. Bring your whole self to beneficial collaborations, because this season you’re more powerful aligning with those who bring their A-game to yours. In the love department, your big heart hasn’t gone unnoticed. Be true to yourself and look a little deeper into a connection, person, or situation. Perhaps it’s time to hold the mirror to your own psyche and reach into your own motivations. What might be hidden from view or obscured that you could get a clearer view on? Pisces is a super creator, and so are you—so get your creative juices flowing. You have so much to share, and we want it, Leo!

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Let’s make half-birthdays a thing, because yours begins on Wednesday as the sun slips into your opposite sign for Pisces season. Lighting up all things one-to-one partnerships, Pisces offers the polarity to your talent for polishing, perfecting, and physical health. Lean into the emotional connection with your significant others. Appreciate their impact on your world, and consider and value how you express yourself in these relationships. Someone with very Piscean qualities and traits may play a significant role this month. Whether they stay or fade back out is really up to you. Embrace the chaos—the not knowing, not rationalizing, not being overly organized. But also, those things. This is an opportune time to really show and feel who and what you care most about. Open to love, let your emotions flow, and catch some feels. Artistic or mystic pursuits are a great way to bond right now.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

As a new solar season begins on Wednesday with the sun’s move into soft-hearted Pisces, your sphere of wellness and work is highlighted. Let others see you shine at work! Share what you’re working on, what you want to do, or what you’re otherwise presenting. A project, idea, or ambitious vision? Get it out there. Accept those compliments and accolades—you deserve them. Make others aware of your presence. Center your status and achievements if you’re pitching or applying for a role, project, funding, or job. Reach out to a mentor or VIP, or become one yourself (or both). In terms of wellness, bring creativity, meditation, arts, or time out into your day. Pisces is a sensitive sign—if you’re picking up everyone else’s “vibes” it’s essential you reset in your own at the end of the day. Swim, shower, bathe, steam; utilize the water element to reset.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

As the sun lights up in sister water sign Pisces from Wednesday, this is your time to put feeling into your flow. Scorpios always benefit from a regular purge, so hit flush on anything not lighting you up—especially in your sphere of love, leisure, and creative self-expression. Pick up a paintbrush, confirm a date, or book your band’s debut. Whatever it is, roll with your inner urge to create and celebrate your personal creative contribution. That includes time with children and the accomplishments of creating or nurturing them. This period is about all the things that light up your inner child and what you do with your time off (for that inner child). Many successful creatives found fame because they took their passion seriously and it paid off. However, let go of attachment to outcomes and just create with authenticity to your spirit and inner calling. If an opportunity presents itself, make the most of it. In the meantime, make your own luck!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s a new solar season from Wednesday—this time in flowy, glowy Pisces. Activating your domestic sphere, it’s time to put some love and care into your home. Take the artistry and watery devotional aspects of Pisces and bring some soul factor in. Boundaries can be an issue for this soft-hearted sign, so be sure yours are maintained on the home front. If you need change, a challenge presented over this period will be highlighted—don’t ignore it. Listen to your inner voice and feelings, and roll with them. You and Pisces are both signs of relentless adaptation, so flow with the changes. If you’re overcommitted (or under), or if you have a vision for utilizing your home in a particular way, let’s get to it and align. Delve into your love of mysticism, philosophy, and embodiment. Get out of your head and balance by getting into your body, the ephemeral spaces, etc. Take time to float, gaze, and let your imagination reveal your destiny this weekend.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Your local environment and connections are in focus as Pisces season kicks off on Wednesday. For the following month, this is a great time to get out and explore—flow with your intuition guiding you. Take in music and arts locally, or share your own. A group exploring meditation, liminal spaces, arts, or emotional life? Get involved. Tune into your imagination, inner voice, or visionary side and see where it takes you. This is a marvelous time to really connect with your inner spirit and creativity, so make the most of it. Are you a poet and didn’t know it? Enjoy your connection to the muse—write, paint, draw, or dance to the tune of your inner artist. Or explore the writing or arts of others you feel drawn to and inspired by. The goal is to be transported. Feel your feelings, honor them, and practice empathy—without being drawn into the emotional well of those around you.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Enjoy the last few days of your solar season with friends, noodling through an idea, or curling up in a nook with a good book. Take the time to reflect on how you rolled through this last month. Any new plans for the next cycle crystallizing into consciousness? Any revelations or endings? This has been like the new moon cycle, except it’s your new solar cycle—so this coming month is the time to put plans into action and take those first steps. Pisces season begins on Wednesday, so take your ideals and dream them bigger. Apply the waters of empathy and emotional sensitivity to your ideas to give them the soul factor that others can feel and relate to. Lighting up your financial sphere, you benefit from opening up your options and focussing on your incomings and outgoings.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Happy birthday, Pisces! Your solar season launches on Wednesday as the sun begins its sojourn through your sign. Turn on the faucet full flow! This is your best month to shine bright and live your best life by being true to yourself and your destiny. You are a dreamer, a creatrix—so what are you ready to bring into your life, into the world, for yourself and others? Find space to submerge into your imagination. Less consuming, more creating, feeling, being. The last several years have held a lens of awareness and appreciation to the subtle world, feelings, and the garden that is mental health. So tend yours with respect and positive regard. Water your spirit and psyche with nutritious, inspiring input. Share your season with your loved ones, furry friends, and plenty of celebrating you, dear Pisces.