Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 3rd

  • Publish date: Monday، 27 November 2023

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Your horoscope for the week of November 27 to December 3, 2023, is here, and the final countdown to the end of the year has officially begun.
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It's Sagittarius season, which provides an opportunity to adopt a fresh outlook on life. If you've been feeling stuck or frustrated with a lack of progress, the next few weeks offer a chance to gain momentum. The recent Thanksgiving holiday was unpredictable, testing everyone's patience. This week, brace yourself for some turbulence following all the chaos. On Monday, November 27, 2023, the full moon in Gemini will illuminate the night sky, and it could send you a week off the rails if you're not careful. This lunation is heavy with misunderstanding and the potential for bruised egos. What makes this full moon so tricky is how cavalier and carefree it feels with a hidden layer of tension underneath. Be careful what you say, and avoid causing unnecessary conflict. With Mars now in Sagittarius, alongside this full moon, it doesn't take much of a spark to cause a blaze.

As if that's not enough to deal with, the final Mercury retrograde of the year is closer than you might think. This week, Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, entered its pre-retrograde shadow, which occurs two to three weeks before Mercury stations retrograde. This sudden energy shift may be responsible for your technology acting up, everyone feeling on edge, communication issues, or travel taking longer than expected. It's best to finish your holiday shopping and travel preparations within the next few weeks to avoid mishaps. Once Mercury stations retrograde on December 28, 2023, there's no telling what could go wrong. This week is also an ideal time to get a head start on your New Year's resolutions, as Mercury ends its retrograde on New Year's Day, 2024.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week might be frustrating for you personally, Aries, but there's still a chance to make the most of it. Sagittarius season is an excellent time to explore your adventurous side. If you're feeling frustrated during the full moon in Gemini, a change of scenery may be just what you need. You don't have to go far to get a different perspective this week. Try a new coffee shop, spend some time at the library, or even meet up at a co-working space with a friend; it would do just fine. If you can take a staycation over the weekend, it might be the perfect chance to reflect on how much you've changed this year. Alone time can be a great opportunity to recharge and focus on yourself.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

The holiday season has you worried about money, Taurus, and this week is a prime opportunity to get your finances in order. The full moon in Gemini prompts a review of your budget and encourages discernment in resource allocation. Ask yourself what you do out of obligation that doesn't serve you personally or professionally, and look for ways to replace those routines and rituals with something more personally beneficial to you. Scorpio season helped reset your priorities. You're still meeting the new you and getting comfortable with how your values are shifting. Use this time before Mercury stations retrograde to wrap up your to-do list and set yourself up for success in the coming year.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week will put you in the hot seat, Gemini. The full moon in your sign is trying to bait you into embarrassing yourself. You've come a long way in your self-confidence and self-expression, but this is not the time to pick a fight or posture with others. Put the power plays aside and embrace the spirit of collaboration–your message will be better received after everyone's emotions cool off. By the end of the week, your mind will be buzzing with fresh ideas and strategies; this is an ideal time to brain-dump everything you've been thinking about and start organizing your thoughts into tangible goals. The stars will have you feeling more secluded this week, but all this solo time can be used to your advantage.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Grab your crystals, Cancer; it's time to connect with your spiritual side. The Gemini full moon wants you to release everything weighing you down and return it to the universe. You're practicing the art of sitting with uncomfortableness. There's only so much you can control, and if you still find yourself endlessly worrying about what the future may hold, this lunation is your chance to release it. If you journal or do morning pages, you might find wisdom hidden in the words you script this week. Let your thoughts flow freely on paper without judgment for the next seven days, and see what the common thread might be. Mercury shadow period will have verbal communication feel uneasy. Try not to take things personally this week–your dissatisfaction will pass before you know it.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

It's the most wonderful time of the year, Leo, and you won't let a little astrological funk get you down. Sagittarius season is your chance to embrace your indulgence side and share the spirit of generosity with the people you love most. The full moon in Gemini will have you reaching out to friends you haven't seen due to the holiday chaos, and be warned; it will quickly fill up your social calendar. You might feel energetically drained by the end of the week, but your spirit will be full of happiness. So take advantage of this opportunity to get out and get down. Mercury retrograde shadow phase will have you reconsidering the current trajectory of your life. Even if things are going well, you're thinking about small changes you can make to be the best version of yourself next year.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

It's time to make a big decision, Virgo, because the full moon in Gemini shines the spotlight on your career. You've been slowly agonizing behind the scenes about where your professional future takes you, and being your planner, you've been weighing all of your options carefully. With the final Mercury retrograde of the year looming and a new hiring season starting, this week is your time to write down your demands. This week is an excellent time to refresh your LinkedIn profile, connect with some recruiters in your desired industry, and prepare your talk for salary negotiations with your boss. But be mindful not to play your hand too soon. Observe and react, and detach yourself from the outcome. One way or another, you're embracing something better for you.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week could be a dangerous one for your love life, Libra, so pay attention! The South Node of Destiny (past lives and karmic connections) is moving closer and closer to Venus in Libra – tempting you back into self-destructive habits. You've been making a lot of progress in your self-compassion journey, but an old flame may try to derail you. Rather than avoid the situation entirely, look at your position objectively and appreciate how far you've come. You don't have to tolerate behavior anymore because you decide you deserve more. And isn't that a wonderful thing? If you need closure, wait until the end of the week to say your piece. Sagittarius season is about embracing truth and honesty, and doing so will allow you to fully move on emotionally from the tethers that bind.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio season has come to an end, and it couldn't have come at a better time. The last eclipses of the year and the Mars Cazimi in your sign have marked a raw release of the past. Now, it's time to embrace a season of hibernation. Use the full moon in Gemini as a reason to stay in and relax during the first few days of the week. You should also do yourself a favor and tune out any negativity from the peanut gallery this week. With the full moon in Gemini and Mercury settling into its pre-retrograde shadow, some people are looking for anything to talk about. The good news is that their attention will pass once they realize they can't get a reaction out of you. This week, focus on finding inner peace and tranquility and let your haters waste their time living in a false reality.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

You love being in the spotlight, Sagittarius, and this week is a chance to soak up the sun. Just be mindful that the attention you're after is good attention. The full moon in Gemini will have people talking about you, and your actions will determine what they say. Choose the high road this week, even if you feel justified in taking a low blow. People might agree with petty action, but they'll remember this as part of your character longer than you might like. It benefits you to be benevolent in the long run. If you hear whispers or rumors about your personal life swirling this week, blame it on Mercury moving into Capricorn. The pre-retrograde shadow has people looking at you differently, and not everyone is excited for you. Don't let it get to your head or your heart; you'll make it out of this week fine.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

As a Capricorn, the end of the year is a bittersweet time for you. You plan for long-term success, so this is when you reflect on everything you have achieved and start setting your sights on the next stage. However, this week might have you feeling more sentimental and emotional than you're used to. The full moon in Gemini will emphasize the deep connections you've made this year and ask you to sit with the emotional progress you've seen. Not all accomplishments are physically tangible; this week, you are learning to honor the intangible treasures you've accumulated. With Mercury currently in your sign, everything feels streamlined. Be ambitious and set yourself up for success so you can fully enjoy this season as the year ends.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

As an Aquarius, you may be excited about the possibilities for the new year. However, the full moon in Gemini advises you to finish any old projects or interests that no longer serve you first. This week, take the time to declutter your home and collect items for donation in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. Physically clearing your space will help you to welcome new opportunities that align better with your soul's calling in the new year. With the Mercury retrograde shadow period, you may feel overwhelmed and pulled in different directions. And if you anticipate having family drama over the holidays, see if your therapist can squeeze you in for a session (or two) to keep you sane!

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Things are looking pretty good for you this week, Pisces, even if everyone else seems to be spiraling. The full moon in Gemini is a great time to cozy up at home with a holiday movie and get a headstart on wrapping presents. If someone you know is going through a challenging or emotionally exhausting period, extend an offer to lend an ear and create a secure environment for them to share their emotions. This act of kindness will not only provide your friend with a new perspective, but it's also a chance to deepen your bond. The period leading up to the Mercury retrograde may present an opportunity for an important conversation regarding the future of your relationship. Take the chance to express your heart's desires so that you and your partner can grow closer in love.