Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 28th

  • Publish date: Saturday، 21 December 2024 | Last update: Sunday، 22 December 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 28th Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 28th
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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of December 22 to 28, 2023, is here, and things are not what they seem on the surface.
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

It’s the season of Capricorn, the earth sign with an eye on both empire and tradition. Note how things slow down—we slide into family life, fulfill our duties, and strive to meet expectations. With Christmas and Hanukkah on Wednesday, and gift returns accepted from Thursday, it’s that strange zone of timelessness between December 25 and New Year’s.

The ancient Romans celebrated December 25 as the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun, and marked this winter solstice period with the wildest of festivals, Saturnalia. We might have time off work or school (or extra shifts and double pay), wear cheesy knit sweaters—ironically, of course—but there’s a decidedly uncorked atmosphere reminiscent of centuries ago. It’s a psychological outlet we all need to unwind before recalibrating for the coming year. Make the most of this week by grounding yourself in your lineage and expanding your sense of self into the legacy you’re here to create.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

It may be the holidays, but all eyes are on you, Aries. You shine in the professional or public arena during this period. Whether you use the time to reflect, plan your next rung on the career ladder, or aim for that high corner office in your field of expertise, get some ducks in a row. Think legacy—how to structure a larger vision and a strategy to get where you really want to go. Whether that’s breaking into an industry by running coffees or taking a step up, let your ambition guide you.

While you’re not one to hold back, think about real-world results and how to achieve them. This season challenges your spontaneity-loving sign to embrace planning. Take the time to play the long game while giving yourself immediate gratification and room for spontaneity where it will work best for you.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 28th

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Whether it’s travel for professional reasons, for personal enjoyment, or a mix of both, this season has you dreaming of far-off shores. Admittedly, that could mean diving into your favorite podcast, pursuing studies, or even starting your own project. Whatever it is, find ways to expand your world this month. Think outside the box—explore your philosophical modus operandi and examine the bigger picture. With the sun in practical Capricorn supporting your pragmatic approach to life, be sure to get that certification, snag the selfie in the VIP lounge, or make choices that enhance your status and recognition. It may be the holidays, but it’s no time to slouch on the couch—unless, of course, you’re planning your year (and world domination) from its comfort.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As the sun lights up your sphere of intimacy, other people’s resources, and the hidden realms this month, a few surprises might emerge during family Christmas! Take it all in stride, because you have bigger fish to fry. This season you might spot the perfect long-term professional partnership or collaboration. Consider what everyone brings to the table, whether it’s finances, skills, or connections. Dive into the esoteric by exploring a tarot discovery course, positive psychology, or Astrology 101. Taking time to explore your inner workings may reveal surprising motivations. Notice any patterns in your behavior—keep the best ones and become aware of the rest so you can switch tracks and kickstart some beneficial new habits.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

The holiday season is all about dynamic duos for you, Cancer. You shine in partnership, so make sure you pick the most sterling sidecar to your Porsche/Bentley/Tesla. Choose for the long term and discuss the practical side of the life you’re building together. That goes for all one-to-one partnerships. Single and ready to mingle? Feel into what you want to experience in a partnership and what you want to express. Who do you see coming toward you, waking up beside you, or chatting with you over breakfast? With the sun in your opposite sign, it balances the polarity of Cancer’s soft side with Capricorn’s boundaries, pragmatic approach to long-term planning, and upwardly mobile material side of a life together. Be sure you don’t project your own ability to achieve onto a partner. Give yourself the best chance to meet your potential by nurturing your own dreams as much as—or more than—you already nurture others!

Leo Weekly Horoscope

It’s that strange week or so when normal routines loosen or completely derail, yet this month it’s vital you keep to your most essential tasks. Even better, focus on any outstanding chores or health routines that need attention. Plan into your new year to set up your days, weeks, and months with an ongoing structure to support an important outcome or progression in your work or wellness. This is an exciting and social month, especially for you, glamour-puss Leo. With a major 12 months of social expansion in progress, this is the perfect time to add a few more social dates to your calendar. Apply your mind to creative ideas and think about how to put your creative brilliance into practice. This brings us back to daily routines—how will you build your dreams one day at a time? Find your inspiration, seek out a mentor, and break it down into small, manageable steps.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

With the sun stepping into the sign of Capricorn, we’ve officially reached the shortest day of the year and the winter solstice; the only way is up from here! Capricorn is an earth sign, as is Virgo, with an eye on service, practicality, and real-world results. Since this season lights up your sphere of leisure, time off, and creative outlets, you might want to set a project outcome for the holiday period or through to late January. Whether it’s an established relationship, new, or just for now, enjoy dates in designer locations or establishments with leather-and-cigar, old-world charm. Spend time with family and close friends, or organize a small “orphans’ gathering” with like-minded souls if you’re far away from home. Put old-school games like chess on the to-do list, as it will help to keep your pilot light switched on over this period.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

As we’ve just passed the winter solstice and the crispiest part of winter sets in, remember the shortest day of the year is behind you now, which means it’s officially Capricorn season and the perfect time to hunker down into your cozy home. Tend to your roots and absolutely refuel and nourish from the bottom up. Hosting for the holiday period is perfectly suited to both your personality and your astrological outlook for this month, so plan a feast—or just social coffee and cake if you’re feeling casual. Talk shop to make it practical, or get tactical on business and investing with friends who are keen to push up their bottom line. It may be the holidays, but as Cyndi Lauper might say, in a play on her original ’80s breakout hit, “Girls just wanna have funds.”

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

The sun crossed the winter solstice point on Saturday, marking the first day of Capricorn season and lighting up your sphere of local connections. This is your sign to touch base with siblings and strengthen bonds with local friends and neighbors. As a practical and professional sign, how can you channel some of that influence over this period? Perhaps shine locally by introducing yourself and what you’re about, taking a pillar-of-the-community role in a small or large way, or setting up a business using your local network. Short courses are also featured, so anything you need to brush up on to help your side hustle grow in 2025 is beneficial. Free time? Use it wisely. Enjoy your family time, whether that’s you and one other or the entire extended family—and some neighbors too. Good food, good company, and gratitude for your favorite moments are a must.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

As we’ve wrapped up your birthday season for this year, it’s time to drill down into your financial sphere, especially in the throes of holiday spending. Keep a close eye on your budget, and if you don’t have one, this is your sign to pin one down. Planning is everything this month, as is structure and playing the long game. While seeing friends and family over this week, why not take a trip down memory lane and dig out those golden nuggets of positivity you have gratitude for? Keep a focus on the best and forget the rest for now. This is a time to set your baseline for growth over time, and what better way to do that than by sharpening your lens on what you want and a realistic route to getting there The world is changing fast, yet some things remain the same. The thing connecting them is your ability to adapt to bridge between them. Be open to change, yet set your standards and line in the sand.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

The first day of Capricorn season marks the sun’s lowest midday point: the winter solstice. The sun appears to stand still for three days, and so we too begin to slow down over the beginning of your birthday season. As the deadline for the gift-buying frenzy gives way to wrapping, card writing, food buying, and prep, wind down your pace and take a mindful approach to each task and activity. Engage meaningfully, as you shine when you’re really present in the moment—and it feeds back to your own sense of self and vitality. This period is great for going over a personal rebrand, reflecting on how you’ve presented and expressed yourself over the last year, and deciding where to go from here. We’re in the corridor of seismic social shifts and fresh trends—make the most of them by leaning into the winds of change and catching the updraft. This is your time to align with your inner impulses and how you express yourself.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

With the sun passing the winter solstice point on Saturday, we’re in a fresh new season marked by a more serious and responsible tone. Lighting up your Zen zone, take this time out of the hustle and bustle to recharge your vitality. Reflect on the year that’s been, and consolidate and integrate personal experiences and growth. Time with family and friends helps to remind you of your baseline and, for some, how far you’ve grown. Recharge over this week in a way that best nourishes and restores your sense of self and purpose. Mindfulness, going within, getting plenty of rest, and perhaps revisiting your place in your community and family systems are all beneficial. Enjoy the eclectic personalities you come into contact with over this period and the variety of interactions that are unique to this unusual time of year.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

The winter wonderland is officially here, as the sun passed the solstice point on Saturday. It also marked the first day of Capricorn season with its themes of tradition and legacy. For us today, that tends to mean converging at some point, enjoying an extended meal together, and sharing well-intended gifts a few days later over the holiday period. You are born under one of the most sensitive, thoughtful, and creative signs of the zodiac, so take time out to decompress where necessary. Enjoy the magic and nostalgia as the sun lights up your sphere of wider social connections out in the world. Groups, extended networks, friends, and people with a particular interest in common are your playground, so get involved, host or attend gatherings, or invite a few friends to celebrate if they’re away from home. You shine in company and can make practical connections now, so hand out your card, talk turkey, and see where it leads!