Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 14th

  • Publish date: Saturday، 07 December 2024 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 14th
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Your horoscope for the week of December 8 to 14, 2024, is here.

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One more week of Mercury retrograde "foot-in-mouth" moments to go, or have you come across vital intel in the chaos? Keep an eye on your calendar so you don’t miss dates or mix up appointments. This is an incredibly restless month—keep focused so your messages end up in the correct inbox! It’s Friday the 13th, but is it actually lucky? Indeed! La Luna has 12 to 13 cycles per year, so get in tune with the moon (and your emotions) as this week builds up to full potency. Social planet Venus, in Aquarius, suggests tech, donations to a good cause, books, and group experiences are compelling festive season spends. Make friends, talk about things that matter, and look into someone else’s world to expand your own.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

As Venus, the planet of love and beauty, graces your social sphere for the festive season, you’ve got people to see and places to be. Enjoy your wider circles and niche groups of diverse people. This is your time to mingle if you’re single and looking. Make the most of your networks, as love may be found through a friend of a friend—or is that friend potentially something more? Nonprofits, helping out those less fortunate, or digging in for a good cause can add meaning and release a feeling of the "helper’s high." Heading out to events and venues that are off the beaten track or a little different—either edgy or geeky—is a must. Online and virtual spaces aren’t off the table either, so be open to novelty if it suits you, and shut it down if it doesn’t.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 14th

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

As your ruling planet Venus swaps practicality for progressive circles and ideas, it’s time to get social in your professional or public sphere. If you have an online presence, yes—show up and glow up. Consider an interview spree on your social media, polishing up your brand, whether personal or professional, and mingling. Yes, you’re going to the office end-of-year party, as it’s also a great way to get to know the people you spend so much of your time with. If you work remotely, solo, not at all, or are a student, then whatever you do, take the time to get to know the people around you. You may be as much of an enigma to them as they are to you! Consider how you can pull together a group collaboration that can benefit you all with skills, knowledge sharing, or pooling of resources.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As Venus, the planet of pleasure, heads up your international and big-picture sphere for the rest of the year, it’s time to open up your lens on love. Connection on the go, visual inspiration, and maybe even a new friend (or maybe more) from another part of the globe is on the cards. This isn’t your usual borrow-the-sugar-from-the-gal-or-guy-next-door approach; rather, it’s reaching further afield. The key is being open to fresh ideas, new faces and places, friending first, and a meeting of the minds—which happens to be in line with your personal approach most of the time. Listening to others’ opinions and sharing your own takes you both higher if you’re willing to practice nonattachment. Imagine letting ideas circulate freely between you, like the air circulates. Bring this quality to your social side to make the best of the season.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

While you tend to be the type to cuddle up, the mood of love is spacious, cool, and breezy for the rest of the year. Venus moves into the sign of Aquarius, suggesting sentiment is out and detached objectivity is in. Don’t be surprised at your own ability to stand back and take control in your love life or with a deep connection. The detachment will prove valuable and may open you up to new resources and collaborations—and benefit your current deep and meaningfuls. A key to surviving and thriving this week is not to take things personally. Do embrace the power of your love, desire, and aesthetics. If you’ve ever been interested in a scientific approach to metaphysics or psychology, spare time over the holidays may be your period to pursue it.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

The ongoing headline with your name on it is that Mars is retrograde in your sign until it backs all the way into Cancer, the zodiac sign before yours. Around the turning point, Mars seems to barely move day by day. Its "apparent motion," when viewed from here on Earth, looks like it’s moving through soft toffee. And that may be how you’re feeling—or just what you need. Since progress can require reflection as much as it does planning and forecasting, take the time to look over your shoulder, take a trip down memory lane, or take a step back. Note what or who comes up from the past for a revisit or closer inspection. It may inspire your own path or get you back on one you’d veered away from. And of course, get plenty of rest, and consider slowing down a little. Venus in your opposite sign heralds a focus on love and partnership, from bae to bestie. Make dates, catch up with favorites, and spark joy through your one-to-ones.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Go for intense relationships or power coupling in your work and wellness zone as the planet of love sidles up to the planet of power. Remember there is power in numbers, so be sure to unite and don’t fall for any divisions. You could meet a very strong character or feel irresistibly drawn to someone—or is that your own charisma off the hook right now? This is a great time to focus on what you enjoy about your work, take on a project or a fitness challenge, and give it a quirky twist. Chat to all sorts of people, ask their stories, and you’ll appreciate them all the more. The work break-up parties are a chance to get to know colleagues better, and if your fitness group or gym celebrates, it’s worth going and making new connections. For this month, create a daily ritual or routine around love and beauty to amplify it in your life. Remember to call in more of what you want by giving it your attention.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

As your ruling planet Venus is traveling through sister air sign Aquarius, it’s in your favor to stoke the fires of romance, friendship, and self-expression. Do what you love, enjoy your leisure time, and schedule in dates with bae. Single and ready to mingle? Get out there, have fun, and pursue your interests—a great way to meet Mr./Ms. Right. A love of writing, communication, ideas, and general meeting of the minds is hot right now (like it ever went out of fashion). Like you, Aquarius is an air sign and associated with communication, as well as liberty and equality, so you do you as this month suits your personal style. Ready to put your ideas into a long-form creative masterpiece or design that unique vision you’ve been harboring? Now is your time to shine and enjoy every moment of it.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

As Venus heads up your domestic sphere, it’s time to kick back and enjoy home sweet home. As the planet of beauty, design, and pleasure, why not go with what Venus does best and make your space more comfortable or gorgeous? Restore design harmony by rearranging, adding some color, or going all out with a total makeover. As a metaphysical sign, perhaps the deeper layer that Feng Shui taps into is more your bag, so take the time to pick up some tips and try them out. Observe and experiment with results. That said, not everything has to be deep and meaningful, and this month the home front is best enjoyed on a convivial level. It’s the festive season, so at home at least, give yourself a break and enjoy some lighter interactions with the fam, roommates, or host friends.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Set some boundaries around your “good vibes only” weekend. Venus leaves your sign on Monday, marking a time to savor the love and beauty it brings to your positivity-focused sign. As Venus moves into Capricorn, it adds a more serious, businesslike tone, especially in your financial sphere through December 7. Take this time to enjoy managing your finances. Look at how you can better link your business card to your website and apps. Side hustle? Why not! Friday’s full moon in sensual Taurus illuminates your work and wellness sector—get a massage if your neck feels tight. Take note of any themes that peak for you over the week.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Venus, the planet of luxury, beauty, and relationships, moves into your sign on Monday, making now through December 7 your time to wine and dine and enjoy the finer things. Traditional, well-appointed spots? Yes, please. Do whatever you love over this period, pursue romance, and accept only high-quality invitations. Update your look, headshots, and personal brand—charm is on your side. Friday’s full moon in earthy Taurus pairs well with your energy, so raise your game in dating, leisure, or self-expression. An easy shift or exciting possibility could bring just the right thing to you. Capricorns, your time has come—enjoy a well-deserved taste of pleasur

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Friday’s full moon in Taurus centers around home and tranquility. This is a great time to host unique friends or make radical home improvements. Consider how to make your space more functional, comfortable, and uniquely you. If you already know what you want, start tweaking it now. Focus on colors and tactile elements, choosing quality that lasts. This full moon calls for balance with the sun’s activation of your career and public image. Strong roots support your public life, so now is the time to secure what you need and set it up.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

La luna peaks in this month’s full supermoon on Friday, activating your local relationships, short trips, and learning sphere. Consider who you’re meeting, what information draws you, and your emotional connection to it all. Stability is important now, so if someone isn’t consistent, there may be a reason. If you need change but resist initiating it, the universe may bring it externally. Ask yourself, “What hidden benefits might this change bring?” Overall, this is a beneficial energy for you since you adapt easily. What were you beginning or planning six months ago? This is the peak of that cycle, so enjoy your harvest!