Your Guide To Al Hosn App

  • Publish date: Sunday، 13 June 2021
Your Guide To Al Hosn App Your Guide To Al Hosn App
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As the UAE is moving forward with combating Covid-19 through vaccinations and monitoring people. As of recent news, Al Hosn app will be an indicator to different covid status whether you are positive, negative and even vaccinated as 6 new categories have been introduced. Basically, Al Hosn app will be everyone’s go to.

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If you are vaccinated or soon to be vaccinated here is a guide on how to download and register UAE’s Covid-19 vaccine.

This app is needed to be able to get back to our normal lives and be able to attend live venues, bars and events in Dubai. From Tuesday, June 15 Al Hosn app will be required to enter supermarkets, malls and gyms and many other places.

Al Hosn allows the user to show proof they have taken a coronavirus vaccine, or had a recent test.

First you will need to download the app from the Apple or Google Play store. Enter your details as asked such as you Emirates ID number and if you are not a UAE resident then you will need to enter your “Unified ID” number.

If you are flying with a pre-arranged visit visa, you will have a PDF or printout of the document to show on arrival.

On that form there is a temporary Unified ID number, usually in the top right corner of the page.

It is best to download the app in advance and enter the number, in case you need to use the app to enter somewhere soon after arrival.

authorities urge users to keep Bluetooth on at all times for the tracing aspect of the app to work.

The app prompts you to turn off battery saving functions too.