Here's How To Adopt A Pet in the UAE

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 25 May 2021
Here's How To Adopt A Pet in the UAE Here's How To Adopt A Pet in the UAE
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We often hear, ‘adopt, don’t shop’ when getting a pet in Dubai as there are many pets looking for their forever home. If you are looking to extend your family with a pet, then here is your guide to adopt and not shop. But before that, you need to double check with your life and responsibilities as having a pet is a lifetime commitment.

  • Does you tenancy contract allow pets?

The absolute first step to take when adopting a dog in Dubai is to ensure that your current residence allows pets, If your tenancy contract says pets are allowed, but the building you live in doesn’t – you may be faced with a tricky situation in the future, especially if a neighbor or the building manager complain about your canine friend. To be on the safe side, for you and your potential adoptee, make sure from the very beginning that your Dubai home is pet-friendly.

  • Is your community pet-friendly?

After you’re assured your home allows pets, the next step is to check out your community. Is it dog-friendly? Are you able to walk your dog in your area of residence in Dubai? Are there suitable walking routes you and your dog can enjoy? If not – where’s the nearest doggy day care, or boarding facilities? These are some of the important questions you need to raise and answer before welcoming an animal in your home.

  • Research about the law in UAE

Dubai and the UAE has laws in place to ensure the welfare of any animal is protected at all times, it’s important that you fully understand what is expected of you as a dog owner in Dubai.

  • Research as to where you can find your new addition to your family and home!

Here are a few adopting agencies;

  • K9 Friends is a caring operation in Dubai that focuses on rescuing and rehoming stray and abandoned dog.
  •  38 Smiles is one of the top places in Dubai to look for cats and kittens.
  • If you are a cat lover, then Kitty Snip is registered Dubai-based non-profit animal welfare group has abandoned and neglected cats ready for rehoming.
  • The Animal Project, with a mission to promote animal awareness and alleviate suffering from animals.

Image Source: Unsplash