Unvaccinated Employees in Abu Dhabi Must Take PCR Test Every Fortnight

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 23 March 2021
Unvaccinated Employees in Abu Dhabi Must Take PCR Test Every Fortnight Unvaccinated Employees in Abu Dhabi Must Take PCR Test Every Fortnight
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According to a briefing note issued by The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, unvaccinated employees working in five industries must take a PCR test every 14 days effective March 28.

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The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation made this decision jointly with the National Emergency Crisis and Management Authority.

These five industries include hotels, restaurants, transportation companies, laundries, beauty salons and hairdressers.

The plan aims “limit the spread of the virus, preserve the health of employees and keep work environments safe,” stated the official note.

Abu Dhabi had announced that employees in vital sectors and service industries must undergo a PCR test every two weeks.

They will be free of charge.

Image Source: Unsplash