Uk Beauty Queen Was Denied Pageant Visa For Having A Link With Syria

A UK beauty queen - Leen clive, aged 29, was denied permission to fly to us; this decision was shocking to her as she concluded that the visa she applied for had been refused because she was born in Syria.
Leen, who is from East Yorkshire, was to represent the UK in the Mrs world final; she is a training NHS doctor competing in a global beauty pageant; despite her family visas being granted to visit Las Vegas, USA, Leens' visa was declined. The only difference is that she is officially recorded as born in Damascus.
Us officials have denied commenting on her case or claims to have been denied the visa for her origin and birth country.
A Doctor, Beauty Queen, And women rights' activist
When she arrived in the Uk back in 2013, she learned how to speak English and went on many campaigns to support female equality; However as, as she is taking part in this pageant alongside 57 other contestants, she was banned from entering the states, which raised an issue as there is no one to represent the UK.
Mrs. Clive has stated that she is a British citizen representing the UK; being banned from the states for such a reason was a shock.
The USA government website has identified Syria as a country of state-sponsored terrorism, which indicates the need to being interviewed by a counselor officer and indicates a higher chance of visa refusal.
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