UAE Workers to Get A Long Weekend Early 2024
It's not even 2024 yet, but we're ready for it.

It’s no surprise that everyone loves a nice public holiday moment. It’s just one of those things that are just universally-loved, and that is why we are gathered here today. Yes, every working person in the UAE will have an extended weekend in January 2024.
This long weekend will officially be marked as the first public holiday to be bestowed upon us in the new year. If you’re not following, let us simplify it for you. January 1, which will be a Monday, will be a day off to anyone working from Monday to Friday. This means, the last couple of days of the year, December 30 and 31, which happen to be a weekend will be extended onto the next day. The new year hasn’t even arrived yet, and we’re already on the right track.