UAE Weather Forecast: Chance of Light Rainfall
Stay Informed with the Latest Weather Update from the National Centre of Meteorology

Stay updated with the latest weather forecast for the UAE, indicating fair to partly cloudy skies with occasional cloud cover over island and coastal regions.
Read More: Drones to Enhance Rainfall in the UAE Soon
Chance of Rainfall: Be prepared for a possible light rainfall throughout the day, accompanied by a slight increase in temperatures across the country.
Humidity and Fog Formation: Expect higher humidity levels during the night and early Monday morning, with a likelihood of fog or mist formation in some internal areas.
Wind Conditions: Anticipate light to moderate winds blowing across the UAE, occasionally picking up in intensity. Sea conditions are expected to be slight to moderate in both the Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea.
Temperature Range: Prepare for temperature fluctuations ranging from a low of 14ºC in internal areas to a high of 37ºC during the day, ensuring you're ready for the varying weather conditions.
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