UAE to Test It's Nuclear Emergency Response Capability at Barakah

  • Publish date: Thursday، 29 April 2021
UAE to Test It's Nuclear Emergency Response Capability at Barakah UAE to Test It's Nuclear Emergency Response Capability at Barakah
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UAE will be hosting an international emergency exercise known as "ConvEx-3", in conjunction with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to test the response capabilities and early notification to the international emergencies in cases of nuclear or radiological emergencies in the last quarter of this year at Barakah.

The exercise will be called "Barakah UAE" and will be implemented under the national supervision of the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, and in accordance with the legislative framework of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation

With more than 170 countries and international organisations invited to participate, this exercise is one of the world's most complex exercises and takes place every three to five years.

The main events and scenarios of the exercise will take place at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant in Abu Dhabi, which will require activating the response systems of the various entities, and their measures and plans to protect the public and the environment.

As planned at the international level, this exercise will include, for the first time in its history, sending international field assistance teams to support efforts made in the country to reassure the public regarding their safety.

ConvEx-2 exercises are designed to make sure that the mechanisms and methods of information exchange are operational, while ConvEx-3 are full-scale exercises designed to make sure that the system is fully tested.

Image Source: WAM