UAE To Change Friday Prayer & Sermons Timing After 1:15 PM

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 07 December 2021
UAE To Change Friday Prayer & Sermons Timing After 1:15 PM UAE To Change Friday Prayer & Sermons Timing After 1:15 PM
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Mosques will start hosting their Friday prayers and Sermons after:

  • 1:15 pm throughout the year instead of the usual time, and it will take effect starting from the 1st of January 2022.

This decision came in alignment with announcing new working hours and days in UAE, starting from Sunday to Mid-day 12PM Friday, which means that the weekend is now 2 days & a half starting in the middle of Friday, and then Saturday and Sunday, instead of the old weekend which is Friday and Saturday.

  • Also Working hours on Monday -would be 7:30 Am - 3:30 Pm.
  • All of those new laws will go into effect starting 2022.