UAE to Bid for a Major Global Climate Summit in 2023

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, announced on Sunday that the UAE launched to bring a major global climate summit to Abu Dhabi.
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“ The climate challenge is daunting, but it is also matched by enormous opportunity to drive economic growth and job creation,” he said.
“As a country that sits at the heart of the hydrocarbon industry and has made significant investments in energy diversification domestically and around the globe, we have seen first-hand that there is now an unprecedented business case for the highest level of climate ambition – especially when it advances gender equality and empowers youth.”
“COP 28 will represent a pivotal moment to capitalise on this opportunity, and our vision is to work with all countries to realise their net economic benefits from accelerated action.”
Weeks after hosting US climate envoy John Kerry in Abu Dhabi for the Regional Dialogue for Climate Action, the UAE and United States launched a joint-plan to tackle food insecurity,
If UAE won the bid, it would brings thousands of decision-makers and delegates to the Emirati capital.