UAE To Accept Foreign Vaccine Certificates

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 11 August 2021
UAE To Accept Foreign Vaccine Certificates UAE To Accept Foreign Vaccine Certificates
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UAE announced on Tuesday that Travellers who have taken UAE-approved COVID-19 vaccines abroad can register their vaccination details and certificates with the UAE authorities starting August 15.

Travellers can register through the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship's (ICA) app or website.

Brigadier Khamis Al Kaabi, the ICA's official spokesperson said registration is not mandatory but doing so will help travellers enjoy the benefits applicable to fully vaccinated individuals in the UAE.

Only UAE-approved vaccines can be registered, and the details will be reflected on the AlHosn app.

The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) in the UAE has announced new updates to the COVID-19 preventive measures and the operating capacities of establishments.

Shopping centres, restaurants and cafes can now operate at an 80 percent capacity, with the seating limit increased to 10 persons per table, the announcement explained. However, face masks are still mandatory while moving through such establishments.