UAE Students to Return to In-Class Learning With These Rules

UAE announced the gradual return of in-class learning in the UAE over two groups. The first group will return on 24th January while the second group will return on 31st January.
A hundred percent of the population has received their first COVID-19 vaccine dose while 93.19 percent are fully vaccinated.
"This first group will include nursery students, first-grade students, 12th-grade students or 13th-grade in the British education system. Students who will undergo international and major examinations. The first group will also comprise higher education establishments’ students," he added.
The green pass system will be implemented for this group, he said and added that the second group, which will comprise the remaining school levels and grades, will return to schools on 31st January.
All students must show a negative PCR test result not older than 96 hours, as well as undergo a PCR test every two weeks.
Parents must also use the green pass system on the Al Hosn app before entering educational establishments, as well as show a negative PCR test result not older than 96 hours.
School trips will be suspended until further notice, while sports and cultural activities in schools will continue with the application of relevant precautionary measures.
The Education Sector: Under the framework of the ongoing monitoring of current developments, we announce the return to physical in-person education in two groups. The first group will return to their schools on 24th January.
— NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) January 19, 2022
Remote learning
The remote learning option will be available for parents who want their children to continue education remotely until the situation in the country is re-evaluated, Al Mansouri said. School administrations will contact parents directly and provide them with information on the learning system and the health situation.
Parents are urged to undergo PCR tests early to avoid overcrowding the testing facilities. He noted that these guidelines are subject to updates according to the requirements of health authorities and the monitoring of the current health situation.