UAE Residents Will Be Fined up to AED500K For Swearing Online

The UAE Public Prosecution has warned that swearing online might result in a prison term and a $136,000 (AED500,000) fine.
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Public prosecutors warned in a statement on their official social media accounts that swearing and slander while using an information network, technology, or information systems can result in jail time and fines. Use of language on social media and messaging services is also subject to fines.
“Swearing and slander using an information network shall be sentenced to imprisonment and/or fined a monetary penalty of not less than AED250,000 and not more than AED500,000”, stated the official page of UAE Public Prosecution on social media. The Federal Decree-Law No. 34 of 2021, which was passed to combat e-crimes and rumors, has Article 43 that outlines the punishments.
“Whoever swears at others or attributes thereto an incident that would make such other person subject to punishment or disdain by others using an information network, a means of technology or an information system," Public Prosecution added.
The UAE State Public Prosecution wants to enhance the public's awareness of the nation's criminal laws. A new criminal information center called "Waey," which aims to improve legal literacy, has been announced to be launching this week.
A variety of projects and programs, including media outreach, legal advice, and community outreach, will be developed by the center to encourage good behavior and promote a culture of tolerance. Furthermore, it will keep an eye out for harmful social trends and occurrences that can have an impact on the values of Emirati society and will start initiatives to spread awareness of them.