UAE Ranks First Globally in Overall Business Skills

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has enhanced its ranking to be first globally in overall business skills proficiency, according to Coursera’s latest Global Skills Report.
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Learners in the UAE were placed in the top 100 percentile, compared to their peers globally, in several areas of business skills, such as leadership and management, strategy and operations, communication, human resources, and entrepreneurship.
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The Global Skills Report draws data from 100 million learners in more than 100 countries who have used Coursera to develop a new skill during the past year. The report benchmarks three of the most in-demand skill areas driving employment in the digital economy - business, technology, and data science, with rankings of 75% or above as cutting-edge, 50%-75% as competitive, 25%-50% as emerging, and 25% or below as lagging.
According to the report, the UAE has 642,000 Coursera learners with a median age of 34 years, 42% of all being women, and 44% pursue their learning on mobile devices.
The report also found that UAE learners are highly proficient in marketing (92%), accounting (90%), and sales (80%), and have competitive skill sets in finance (56%).
To download the full report and explore insights unique to a country or region, visit here.