UAE Proposes Remote Work System for Working Mothers

A member of the Federal National Council (FNC) Maryam Majid bin Thaniah has proposed that working mothers in the UAE with children under the age of 10 should be allowed to work remotely.
The FNC member submitted her proposal to the Minister of State for Government Development and the Future.
The proposal also extended the remote work option to mothers who have children with special needs and who have to care for their elderly parents.
Maryam Majid also put further another option for working mothers where they can work in the office for the first half of the day and work remotely from home for the second half of the day.
With this proposal, the FNC member hopes to help ease the burden working mothers have in balancing work and family responsibilities.
In response to the proposal, Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi shed light on various policies implemented by the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources to improve working conditions for all employees, including working mothers.