UAE Permits Abortion But Under Specific Conditions

  • Publish date: Monday، 10 June 2024 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024

Abortion permissible under specific circumstances to ensure women's safety and regulate healthcare

UAE Permits Abortion But Under Specific Conditions UAE Permits Abortion But Under Specific Conditions
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The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) in the UAE announced on Saturday that abortion is allowed under certain conditions to protect the health and lives of pregnant women. The announcement aims to ensure safety and regulate healthcare facilities.

Conditions for Permissible Abortion

Abortion is allowed only when continuing the pregnancy endangers the woman's life, with no alternative to save her. It is also permissible if the fetus has severe deformities that would affect its health and life. In these cases, the pregnancy must not exceed 120 days at the time of the procedure.

UAE Permits Abortion But Under Specific Conditions

Decision-Making Committee

A committee of three doctors is required to approve abortion requests. This committee includes:

- An obstetrics and gynecology specialist (OBGYN)

- A psychiatry specialist

- A representative from the Public Prosecution

Other Permissible Cases

Several other specific cases for permissible abortion have been defined by the ministry. However, the gestation period for all cases must not surpass 120 days. The new regulations aim to protect women's health and ensure the proper regulation of healthcare facilities in the UAE.