UAE Ministry Launches Job Training Program for Students

A new job training program in the United Arab Emirates is helping young Emiratis prepare for careers in the private sector. The one-year pilot program, which launched on Monday, is targeting students in grades 9, 10, 11, and the final year of higher education. The program is part of the government's Emiratisation drive, which aims to increase the number of Emiratis working in the private sector.
The Professional and Practical Training Programme is a new job training program in the United Arab Emirates that is being overseen by the Ministry of Human Resources, the Ministry of Education, and the Education and Human Resources Council.
The first phase of the program will involve 3,500 young people, but it is planned to expand to include all eligible learners over the next five years.
"The programme aims to expand career prospects for targeted students, familiarising them with the fundamentals of work, and underlining the important role the private sector plays and the opportunities it has to offer,” said Aisha Belharfia, acting under secretary for Emiratisation Affairs and assistant under-secretary for Labour Affairs at the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.
“Targeting young people at an early age has numerous benefits. At that point, they are still at an age where they are open to exploring their capabilities and potential, and they are still building their aspirations.
"We guide them towards the right career path that enhances their role in the country’s development and progress, in line with the National Employment Strategy 2031 and the government’s ambitious plans to expand the share of Emirati citizens working in the private sector.”