UAE Launches Anti-Mosquito Campaign After Rain

  • Publish date: Monday، 06 May 2024 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024
UAE Launches Anti-Mosquito Campaign After Rain UAE Launches Anti-Mosquito Campaign After Rain
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With mosquito bites on the rise, the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCaEUAE) has launched an intensified effort to combat the pesky insects across the country.

Collaborating with various entities including the National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA), as well as local authorities and municipalities, the ministry aims to tackle the surge in mosquitoes following recent rainfall.

Specialized teams have been dispatched to spray approved pesticides in key areas like construction sites, schools, residential neighborhoods, parks, and farms. The focus now shifts to targeting mosquito breeding hotspots, such as clogged rain gutters and stagnant water pools.

HE Alia Abdul Rahim Al Harmoudi, Assistant Undersecretary for the Sustainable Communities Sector at MOCCAE, emphasized mosquito control as a top priority. The ministry plans to provide communities with necessary information and guidance to curb mosquito proliferation.

In addition to spraying pesticides, MoCCaEUAE advises planting mosquito-repelling plants like basil and addressing water leaks, which serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Proper disposal of unused items is also recommended to eliminate potential hiding spots.

To prevent mosquito bites, the ministry suggests wearing long-sleeved clothing, long pants, and using repellent cream when outdoors. As efforts ramp up, the UAE aims to mitigate the mosquito menace and ensure a more comfortable environment for residents.

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