UAE Issues Remote Working Circular for Government Employees On Fridays

  • Publish date: Thursday، 06 January 2022
UAE Issues Remote Working Circular for Government Employees On Fridays UAE Issues Remote Working Circular for Government Employees On Fridays
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The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) in the UAE yesterday issued a circular to all ministries and federal entities regarding flexible remote working for federal government employees on Fridays.

In its circular No. (2) of 2022, the authority specified a set of controls that ministries and federal entities should abide by, allowing some employees to work remotely on Fridays.

These include specific conditions and controls that the job and the incumbent must fulfil of remote working in the federal government.

The federal entity must select the appropriate jobs for working remotely, through coordination with the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, provided they get the employee’s acceptance through his/her line manager regarding working remotely on Fridays, in coordination with the department director HR department in the workplace.

The number of employees who work from the office should not be less than 70 percent of the total employees in the federal entity.

Priority should be accorded to employees whose workplaces are far from the place of residence to work remotely. Any other humanitarian conditions that employees may face in this aspect must be taken into account. 

The authority confirmed that it has re-engineered the HR Management Information System in the Federal Government "Bayanati", in accordance with the provisions of this circular for all operators of the system, to automate and facilitate the process for the employees applying for remote working on Fridays.