UAE Implements Midday Break for Workers During the Summer

The UAE's Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) announced a midday break from Jun. 15 to Sep. 15 for workers.
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This initiative is implemented annually to allow workers to take a break from work under direct sunlight or in open-air areas from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
If an employer makes a worker work during the midday break, they will be fined AED 5,000 and the fine will reach AED 50,000, if several workers are directed to work during the break.
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The ministry explained that some jobs are exempt from the policy including works related to water supply or electricity, cutting off traffic, laying asphalt or pouring concrete on road works, and other works dealing with basic services.
Companies will need to request a permit to make their workers continue work during the break and they are supposed to provide workers with parasols, shaded workspaces, fans, and lots of water for continuing labor during the midday break.