UAE Unemployment Insurance: Registration Deadline Announced

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 03 January 2023 | Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
UAE Unemployment Insurance: Registration Deadline Announced UAE Unemployment Insurance: Registration Deadline Announced
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The new Unemployment Insurance Scheme went into effect on January 1, 2023, and employees in the UAE are now able to sign up for social security if they have been laid off. The deadline for registration for the unemployment insurance programme is June 30, 2023, according to the ministry.

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It's mandatory for federal government and private sector workers to enrol but those working in the free zone are currently exempted.

Eligible employees who fail to register could also be fined if they fail to meet the deadline.

Calculation of the insurance Pay

A maximum of three months from the date of unemployment, the insurance coverage compensation is paid. It is computed on a monthly basis at a rate of 60% of the basic wage.

The insurance program is separated into two groups:
Employees with a basic salary of at least Dh16,000 fall under category 1.
• Monthly insurance cost: Dh5 (or Dh60 annually)
• Monthly compensation: up to Dh10,000 or 60% of your basic salary.
Employees making Dh16,000 or more are under category 2.
• Cost of insurance: Dh10 (or Dh120 annually)
• Monthly compensation: up to Dh20,000 or 60% of your basic salary.

The insurance pool, which consists of 9 national insurance companies, is represented by Dubai Insurance Company:

1. Dubai Insurance Company
2. Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company
3. Al Ain Ahlia Insurance Company
4. Emirates Insurance Company
5. National General Insurance Company
6. Orient Insurance
7. Abu Dhabi National Takaful Company
8. Oman Insurance Company
9. Orient UNB Takaful Company

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