UAE Cuts Friday Sermon to 10 Minutes Due to Extreme Heat

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UAE Imams Directed to Shorten Friday Prayers During Summer Heatwave

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With temperatures soaring past 50°C, UAE authorities have implemented a new directive for imams across the country. Starting today, June 28 and lasting until October, Friday sermons and prayers are to be capped at 10 minutes.

Protecting Worshippers from the Heat

Friday is considered the holiest day of the week in Islam, with special congregational prayers known as Jum’uah. These prayers often see mosques filled to capacity, forcing many worshippers to pray outside in the intense heat. The new directive aims to protect these worshippers from the potentially dangerous summer temperatures.

Adapting to Extreme Conditions

This highlights the UAE’s efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents during the harsh summer months. By shortening the length of Friday prayers, authorities hope to reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses among the faithful.