UAE Covid-19 Protocols for New Year and Christmas Celebrations

  • Publish date: Thursday، 16 December 2021
UAE Covid-19 Protocols for New Year and Christmas Celebrations UAE Covid-19 Protocols for New Year and Christmas Celebrations
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The ‎UAE has announced COVID-19 protocols for the Christmas and New Year celebrations on Tuesday during the weekly media briefing.

Gatherings will be limited to 80% of the capacity in crowded and indoor areas. The protocols include that a negative PCR test must be presented to attend events and gatherings and temperatures should be taken before entry.

Masks will need to be worn at all times in crowded and indoor places.

Families are allowed to sit or stand together without the need to maintain social distancing otherwise maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 metres is mandatory.

Greetings should be given from a distance, without handshakes or hugs, and social distancing should also be respected while taking photographs.‎

People of all ages are allowed to attend the events, provided they have received a vaccine more than 14 days ago, received a booster shot, or have a green-pass status on their Al Hosn application.