UAE Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi to Connect With Sharjah From Space

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 05 July 2023 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024
UAE Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi to Connect With Sharjah From Space UAE Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi to Connect With Sharjah From Space
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Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi will be making a live call from the International Space Station (ISS) to Sharjah on Thursday, July 6th.

The interactive event will be held at the Sharjah Academy of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology, where attendees will have the opportunity to connect live with Al Neyadi.

This live call will be the eighth call of the 'A Call from Space' initiative in which he interacts with an audience passionate about exploration and science during the session.

'A Call From Space' is an initiative that offers the public a chance to interact with the astronaut, who will recount his remarkable journey from a UAE Astronaut Programme candidate to his current position as an ISS crew member.

The previous calls included heads of state, space enthusiasts, and students from the orbiting outpost. 

Al Neyadi has been on a six-month mission since March 3rd, making it the Arab world's first long-duration space trip.

So far, only few countries have been able to send astronauts on long-term missions to the ISS, and the UAE is the latest country to join this elite list.

Image source: @Astro_Alneyadi Twitter account.