UAE Appoints Two New Ministers

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Prime Minister, confirmed the appointments of two new ministers. The Ruler of Dubai said Hamad Mubarak Al Shamsi will be Minister of State in the UAE Cabinet.
“With the directives of the President of the State, and after consulting with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Hamad Mubarak Al Shamsi, former Secretary-General of the Supreme Petroleum Council, was appointed today as Minister of State in the government of the UAE .. All success to Brother Hamad in his new role”
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بتوجيهات رئيس الدولة حفظه الله وبعد التشاور مع أخي محمد بن زايد تم اليوم تعيين حمد مبارك الشامسي الأمين العام السابق للمجلس الأعلى للبترول وزير دولة في حكومة دولة الإمارات .. كل التوفيق للأخ حمد في مهامه الجديدة ..
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) February 27, 2021
Sheikh Mohammed also said in a tweet: “A decree was issued for appointing Khalifa Saeed Suleiman as head of ceremonies for the Vice President and Prime Minister with the rank of Minister .. Khalifa is a key member of my team ... May God bless them all to serve the country and the people.”
كما صدر اليوم أيضا مرسوم بتعيين الأخ خليفة سعيد سليمان رئيساً لمراسم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء بدرجة وزير .. الأخ خليفة عضو رئيسي في فريقي... وفقهم الله جميعاً لخدمة البلاد والعباد ..
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) February 27, 2021
The UAE also appointed its first ambassador to Israel, Mohamed Al Khaja, in February.
Last week, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed led a government retreat to create a development plan for the next 50 years.
Image Source: Instagram