UAE Among World's Most Trusted Countries: Edelman Trust Report

According to an annual international report, trust levels in major institutions in the UAE, including government and business sectors, rank among the highest globally.
In the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the UAE secured the third position among 28 surveyed countries. With an average trust level of 74 percent in government, business, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the media, the UAE ranked below China (83 percent) and Indonesia (75 percent).
Saudi Arabia, another Gulf nation included in the survey, also performed well by securing the fifth position with an average trust level of 71 percent.
On the other hand, the countries with the lowest levels of trust were Argentina (42 percent), Japan (38 percent), and South Korea (36 percent).
Within the UAE, the government emerged as the most trusted institution, with a remarkable 86 percent of respondents considering it trustworthy. Business followed closely behind at 78 percent, followed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at 70 percent, and the media at 62 percent in terms of trustworthiness.
The country showcased strong economic optimism, as 72 percent of respondents expressed their expectation of improved financial well-being for themselves and their families over the next five years. This figure ranked the UAE as the fourth-highest among surveyed countries, significantly surpassing the average of 40 percent.