UAE Among the World's Fastest Countries in Deploying 5G Networks

The UAE is among the world's fastest countries in deploying 5G networks!
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The capabilities provided by 5G networks will accelerate the deployment of tech solutions that enable the establishment of smart cities, including smart transportation, self-driving vehicles and unmanned aircraft.
The 5G networks help in the utilisation of drones in cargo and mail shipment, and for remote surgery, which will help save lives, especially in emergencies.
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AI systems are expected to contribute US$16 trillion to the global GDP in 2030, and renewable energy expected to account for 50 percent of the world's energy needs according to WAM.
A study of the expected impact of the UAE's new vision for government services showed that it will help increase the UAE's GDP by 8%, a fruit of the partnership between the government and the private sectors, which will create more jobs and investment opportunities, in addition to boosting the efficiency of government services by 90%.