Top 10 Restaurants in the MENA Region

1. Orfali Bros Bistro, Dubai
2. Tresind Studio, Dubai
3. Fusions by Tala, Manama
4. Ossiano, Dubai
5. 3 Fils, Dubai
6. George & John, Tel Aviv
7. Kinoya, Dubai
8. Fakhreldin, Amman
9. Zooba (Zamalek), Cairo
10. Moonrise, Dubai
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On Monday, January 30, 2023, Middle East & North Africa's 50 Best Restaurants returned for a second time ranking the top restaurants at the ballroom of the Conrad Abu Dhabi Etihad Towers.
The top 10 list included restaurants located in the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. Topping the list with six out of ten restaurants located in Dubai, UAE has the most number of top restaurants in the MENA region.
Taking the first spot on the list, Orfali Bros Bistros, Dubai's head chef, Mohammad, is startled to hear that the restaurant went from No. 6 in the Middle East & North Africa's 50 Best Restaurants 2022 to No. 1 in 2023, "It was a difficult journey for us, going from being TV chefs to opening a restaurant during the pandemic. I want to thank my brothers. We started this project with the three of us and we are now 44 people in the restaurant. For us working together was always a dream – and it came true.”
Check the top 10 out of the 50 restaurants in the MENA Region.
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