This Is What Happens When Eating Bread on an Empty Stomach

Many rely on bread for breakfast as it contains a high percentage of carbohydrates, which are converted into energy when digested. However, nutrition experts warn against eating bread on an empty stomach in the morning.
How Does It Affect Your Body?
According to The Health Site, few realize that bread is high in calories and very low in nutrients, so adding bread to your breakfast plate is not a good idea.
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Aside from being low in nutrients, it can cause you some serious health issues, especially when eaten on an empty stomach.
There are many side effects that your body can suffer when eating bread on an empty stomach, represented by a rise in blood sugar levels, and it is noteworthy that a sudden rise in blood sugar levels can lead to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, in addition to weight gain and an increased sense of hunger; It also causes bloating and constipation.
Therefore, we recommend that you try to replace regular white bread with multigrain bread or brown bread.
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