The Unified GCC Visa Scheme Will be Launched in 2024-2025

The unified GCC visa scheme is expected to be introduced within two years, according to UAE's Minister of Economy Abdulla bin Touq.
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All GCC tourism ministers approved the unified visa scheme during their recent meeting in Oman.
The visa scheme will be presented at the upcoming GCC Summit.
Specific regulations and legislation must be developed before the targeted roll-out between 2024 and 2025, which will be subject to the readiness of each GCC country's internal system.
The new unified GCC visa will provide travellers with access to all six GCC countries.
This unified visa scheme is an important part of the GCC 2030 tourism strategy, which will increase tourism's contribution to the economy with an increase in inter-GCC travel.
The strategy aims to increase the number of visitors to GCC countries to 128.7 million by 2030.
Keep a lookout for the latest updates about the unified GCC visa scheme at UAE moments!